Marth x Reader

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        I was hanging out with my best friends, Lucina and Robina/Reflect. We decided to plan a slumber party thing, with karaoke and such. We also decided to invite the rest of the fire emblem team.
"Ok, I was thinking, for the karaoke, we should do duets and draw names from a hat. How does that sound?" Reflect asks.
"Sounds perfect. Then the others will choose the song they have to sing. How about that?" Lucina adds.
"Sounds good. Ok, everything is set up, how about we invite the guys?" I ask. Reflect stands up. Lucina does as well.
"I'll get them!" They yell in unison, running out the door. I laugh and stand up, running after them.
"Wait for me!" I yell after them. Reflect heads to Robin's and Roy's room, while Lucina heads to Marth's and Ike's room. After a little bit, they quickly came back to me.
"They're on their way." They say in unison. They look at each other. "Let's go get in our pajamas!" They yell. They turn back to each other. "Stop copying me!" They yell at each other.
"Come on you two. Let's just go get our stuff on." I say, walking back to our room. I quickly pull out my pajamas.

    Lucina and Reflect come walking in and grad their own pajamas

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Lucina and Reflect come walking in and grad their own pajamas. We quickly change. Once we finished, Lucina raises an eyebrow at me.
"Are you sure those shorts aren't to short?" She questions. I wave my hand dismissively.
"They're fine." I reassure her. Lucina shrugs.
"If you say so..." She mumbles. I look in the full length mirror. Maybe the shorts were a little short... Oh well. I'm to lazy to change.
"When are the guys going to come?" I ask.
"In about 20-30 minutes." Reflect replies.
"Let's get the rest of the stuff set up then." Lucina says. I go over to our Xbox1 (Wii U or PS4 works too) and get the controllers set up. Lucina gets the karaoke machine set up while Reflect sets up the sleeping bags and food.
By the time we finish, it's already 5:30. The guys were coming over in about 5-10 minutes. I sigh and sit on the couch. Lucina and Reflect sit on either side of me. They look at me.
"You and Marth better be a duet that's drawn out of the hat, or else we're going to have to get you together the hard way." Lucina says in a slightly threatening tone.
"A-ah, alright. L-let's j-just hope we're d-drawn then." I stutter out. Reflect laughs a bit. I glare at her.
There's suddenly a knock on the door. We stand up, and Lucina opens the door to reveal Ike, Marth, Robin, and Roy standing there.
"Hey guys!" Reflect says cheerfully. Lucina smiles and lets them in.
"So what do you guys want to do first, video games or karaoke?" Lucina asks.
"Video games. Definitely video games." Roy replies. I giggle at his reaction. The guys then get on the Xbox1/Wii U/PS4. I walk to another part of the room with Lucina and Reflect.
"Please don't tell me there's Pocky included in the snacks." I say hopefully. Lucina smirks.
"I can't promise anything~" Lucina purrs. I face-palm. This was not going to end well. Reflect and Robin take me back over to the guys.
It seemed they were done with the round they were playing. For once, they actually looked at what we were wearing. I shift around uncomfortably.
"You know, (Y/N), the shorts are kind of short. Nice view though." Roy says, sending me a wink while standing in front of me.
I push him away by his head. Although, a pink did dust my cheeks. It wasn't noticeable, luckily.
"Stop being a perv." I say command bluntly. Lucina beckons everyone over.
Oh, did I mention that the guys were wearing sweats with a t-shirt? The sweats were their 'signature' color. (Robin's = black, Roy's = red, Marth = blue, Ike's = green, I guess).
"Time for karaoke! I put all of your names in the hat, now you just to draw one." Lucina explains. I sigh. The time is now. "Marth, you go first!" Lucina adds.
Marth draws a name out of the hat. I secretly hoped it would be me, even if it was embarrassing. I see him slightly smile at the card. Ok, it probably wasn't me. Marth holds up the card.
     "I got (Y/N)." Marth says. I blush lightly. Yes!!!! Wait... aren't the others picking the song?!?! Oh no.
      "Did I mention that we're picking the song?" Lucina asks. I blink. This was not good. Lucina takes everyone else to a different part of the room for a bit, leaving me and Marth alone.
      "This isn't going to end well..." I mumble quietly. Marth walks over to me.
     "What did you say?" He asks. I wave my hands about.
     "Oh, nothing! Nothing at all." I reply. My face started to become a bit pinker. The others came back, smirks plastered on their faces. Oh, it was bad.
      "Ok, so you two are doing a duet, obviously. The song you will be doing is 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You' by Meagan Trainer." Lucina says.
    That's not that bad, actually. At least it wasn't Cake By the Ocean, even if I do love the song. I walk over to the karaoke machine and pick up a microphone. Marth does the same.

(I'm pretty sure you can figure out who sings what).
        Once we finish, I put the microphone back down and turn around. My face was basically red, and Lucina and Reflect were fangirling like crazy. I walk over to them.
      "Nothing is going to happen. He doesn't see me that way and that was just a song." I whisper. Lucina rolls her eyes.
       "I will make something." She says confidently. I sweat-drop.
      "How?" I question. Lucina runs her hands together evilly. I don't feel so good about this.
      "I have my ways." Lucina replies. This definitely isn't good. Lucina whispers something to Reflect. Reflect nods. Reflect then goes and whispers something to Robin, who whispers to Roy, who whispers to Ike.
      "What are you planning?" I ask. Lucina sighs and rolls her eyes.
      "Why would I tell you?" She asks in return. I sigh.
      "Good point." I say. Out of nowhere, I'm hoisted over someone's shoulder. I yelp in surprise. "Hey, what're you doing?" I question, kicking slightly. The person sighs.
       "It's Lucina's and Reflect's plan, not mine." The person says, who I now realize is Robin. Before I can say anything else, he sets on the floor of a closet and then locks me in.
       I sigh. 'So that's their plan... How did I not realize it?' I think to myself. I look around the closet.
    It was pretty dimly lit, and a few boxes were here and there. I find a flashlight. Luckily, the batteries were working. I look at one of the boxes.
     There was something written on the top. It read, 'Reflect and ship them so much, why aren't they together yet?' I roll my eyes. I decide to open up the box.
      Inside were a bunch of pictures of Marth and I. 'Wait... I thought we were alone that time...' I think as I look through some pictures. Lucina and Reflect were secretly taking pictures of Marth and I? They've got some explaining to do.
      I turn the flashlight off and put the box back. Suddenly, light filled the closest and a figure was shoved inside. I look up and see Marth. The closest door is closed and locked once again.
      "Neither of you are coming out until you tell each other you-know-what!" Lucina yells through the door. Marth looks down at my sitting figure. He plops down next to me.
      "Do you have any idea what she's talking about?" Marth asks. I sigh.
     "Yes." I reply bluntly. An awkward silence takes over. Marth turns to me with a slight frown on his face.
     "Are you willing to tell me, milady?" He asks. I sigh.
     "It's hard to say. Also, don't call me milady." I reply. "But ok. I'll tell you. It's just that Ireallylikeyou." I say quickly. Marth smiles.
      "Good. Now I can do this." Marth says. He understood what I said? I'm to ask when I feel his lips on mine. I quickly close my eyes and kiss back.
      Marth pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. My hands run through his smooth blue hair. All to soon, Marth pulls back.
       "I love you, (Y/N)." Marth says. I smile widely.
      "I love you too." I say.


Clara: 1454 words. Oh, that was decently long. This was requested by @shadow_melody. I hope you enjoy it.

Pit: Hello Clara-chan!

Clara: *giggles* hello Pit.

Marth: Hello.

Pit: What's he doing here again?

Clara: One-shot Pit. It's because of a one-shot. Stop being jealous. Anyway, vote, comment, and request! (Actually, slow down the requests a tab bit, I have somewhere from 5-8 to do).

Pit: I'm not jealous!

Clara: *roles eyes*. Whatever floats your boat. Bye guys!

P&M: Bye!

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