Gijinka! Meta Knight x Allison

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Today was Allison's birthday...and, personally, she couldn't wait! She had invited everyone. Well, everyone except the villains. (Of course she did invite Dark Pit, though).
Allison is a really kind girl, and gets along well with everyone. It is awkward for the other person when Allison starts talking about anime or manga, though...
Luckily, another nerdy Otaku lives in the mansion. (Ok...I have this problem when someone requests an OC I will add myself in as just go with it XD)
This would be Clara. Unfortunately, it's hard to get a word out of her. The girl barely ever talks...unless she's talking about any fandoms. Then she talks a bit more.
        Anyway, Allison had dressed up a bit, wearing (something nice, doesn't have to be a dress). She had even taken off her mask! The outfit makes her brown eyes pop, and her long brown hair cascaded smoothly down her back.

 She had even taken off her mask! The outfit makes her brown eyes pop, and her long brown hair cascaded smoothly down her back

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(I tried to draw you...sorry it sucks XD)

Allison looked all around her room, one of which she shared with Clara, and searched for one person in particular. Meta Knight. Not only was he her mentor, Meta Knight was her 'little' crush. Heh, and when I say little I really know what, I think you get it.
            As she looked around, Allison realized that Meta Knight...just wasn't there. She frowns, and Clara notices. Clara walks over to Allison, a questioning look on her face.
"A-Allison...what's wrong?" Clara questions quietly. Allison perks up, shaking her head.
"Nothing!" Allison exclaims. Clara raises an eyebrow, looking around. Clara sighs.
"Oh...Meta Knight isn't here. I see. Come on Allison, you can enjoy the party without him. I know that he's your mentor...and your crush, but still. H-here, I'll help you k-keep your mind off him." Clara says, grabbing onto her friend's arm.
"I didn't know you could speak so much!" Allison says, her eyes wide. A smile starts playing on her lips. Clara simply rolls her eyes.
"I c-can...but I c-choose n-not to. I'll u-usually end up a s-stuttering mess. L-like now. A-anyway, how about s-some cake?" Clara questions. Allison nods, still slightly sad. She shakes it off, though.

And so the party continued. Allison had plenty of fun, from eating cake to opening presents to teasing her friend about having a crush of her own.
Soon enough, the fun ended, and Clara plopped down on the couch in exhaustion. Allison followed in suite. Clara glances all around the room, noticing the mess. She twitches slightly. The girl hates messes. Allison sighs.
"I've got s-so much t-to c-clean..." Clara mumbles, turning to Allison. Clara notices Allison's frown, rolling her eyes slightly. "Just go talk to him." Clara says. Allison quickly turns her head to the long, blonde-haired girl, giving her a questioning look.
"What?" Allison question. Clara adjusts her glasses slightly, turning to Allison.
"You know exactly what I mean." She says simply, standing up to pick up some stray streamers. Allison slowly stands up, walking towards the door. She turns around slightly.
"I'll help you clean up when you get back." Allison promises. Clara rolls her eyes.
" go!" Clara says. With that, Allison walks out the door, searching. She walks all through the mansion, checking every nook and cranny. Allison even checked outside, where Meta Knight usually is, but to no avail. As Allison was about to give up her search, she face-palmed.
               "I should check his room! Duh! How stupid am I?" Allison asks herself in frustration. She rushes to Meta Knight's door, knocking loudly. No answer. Allison frowns, reaching for the doorknob.
                To her surprise, the door opens with ease. Allison looks around, spotting Meta Knight on his couch. She silently slips into his room, closing the door. Meta Knight looks up, surprised.
              "A-Allison..." He mumbles, eyes wide from behind his mask. Allison calmly walks over, a frown on her face.
             "Meta Knight...why did you come to my birthday party?" Allison immediately questions. Meta Knight frowns, eyebrows furrowed.
              "That was today?" He asks. Allison nods slowly. "Shoot...I thought I had more time." Meta Knight mumbles. Allison raises an eyebrow. Meta Knight looks over to her. "You're probably wondering what I, here, I didn't get a chance to wrap it." Meta Knight says, handing Allison a book.
            As she looks closer at it, she realizes it's a manga from the (f/manga) series. She squeals in delight, quickly taking off Meta Knight's mask to kiss his cheek. His face turns red. Allison, now just realizing what she'd done, blushes darkly in embarrassment.
                 "Heh...sorry, I was excited." Allison apologizes. Meta Knight smiles slightly.
              "That's quite alright...but how about I try something different?" Meta Knight questions slyly, mask in hand. Allison raises an eyebrow.
                 "What do you-" Allison starts before being cut off by Meta Knight kissing her. Allison's whole face flushed in embarrassment. Meta Knight pulled back, slightly pink himself. "I t-think I like about we do it more often?" Allison questions, still bright red.
                 Meta Knight smirks, kissing Allison once more. This time, she kissed back.

~Back at the room~

        Clara looked at the clean dorm, a smile on her face. She then sighs.
           "I knew Allison wouldn't help...she's probably making-out with Meta Knight right now. At least I'll have something to tease her about..." Clara mumbles.


    Clara: 920 words. This was requested by HappySockPuppet   I'm so sorry it took so long! Also, since the last update, we've gotten up to 8.9k views! It hasn't even been a month. This is amazing! Thank you all so much for being so patient and supportive! That's all for now, bye!

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