Link x Reader

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        I slowly peeked from behind the exercise equipment in the training room. I wasn't new to Smash nor was I a stalker. I mean, I was staring at someone, but I don't stalk him.
          This was, of course, I dare given to me by a couple female friends. This included Samus, Palutena, Peach, Lucina, Robina/Reflect, and Rosalina. Zelda was not part of this, given that I was being forced to 'admire' Link 'from a far'.
           So it isn't my fault my friends dared me to watch my crush. It was their fault that I was in this situation. I looked back up at Link, jealousy coursing through me when I see him talking to Zelda.
            I sigh. I don't know why I even try. I'm a short potato. Who in their right mind would like me? Then there's Zelda. I mean, just look at her. In comparison, she makes me look like a baboon's butt. Weird analogy, I know.
            I just couldn't think of anything else! Besides, Zelda has smooth skin, her hair is always placed perfectly, and she is decently tall with an excellent body figure. In fact, all the girls are like that.
           Except me. Of course. I'm like the pit of a cherry or the cookie to the cream of the Oreo. No one wants nor likes me. Well, I guess the Oreo case is different, but you know what I mean!!
             I'm so random...but, on the outside, I'm down-to-Earth, logical, and cold to others. My brain just works a lot when I'm bored; making it so that I don't get bored. I like how my system works.
             I snap out of my thoughts; focusing on the task at hand. My eyes flick around the training room; trying to once again spot Link. He was nowhere in sight... strange, I couldn't have been thinking that long.
             I'm once again brought to reality by a pair of hands poking my sides. I immediately turn around holding my (weapon(s)) up to their neck. I sigh and lower my (weapon(s)) once I realize who it is.
             It was...

        Pit, obviously. Who were you expecting, Link? I shake my head at the cute angel.
         "Don't do that again." I demand. Put puts his hands up defensively.
          "Ok, (Y/N)-Chan. I won't do it again. Anyway, I was wondering what you were doing?" Pit assures. My eyes flick away.
            "A dare." I reply simply. Pit makes an 'o' shape with his mouth.
           "Oh, ok. Just wondering. Anyway, I'll see you later!" Pit replies happily; running off. I smile and shake my head at his cheerfulness. I then look back around the training room, actually spotting Link.
            I could see him glaring at the descending figure of Pit. He looked quite frustrated, hands clenched into fists. Hm...that's quite odd. Link never acts like that. Zelda rubs his tense shoulders, whispering something in his ear.
           Link's shoulders lax. I can feel myself glaring in Zelda's direction. She once again whispers something in Link's ear; causing his face to go red. I make sudden eye contact with Zelda.
            She gives me...a soft and reassuring smile?! What?! I glance at her skeptically; trying to decide if my eyes are playing tricks on me. My eyes flick away; checking the time.
To my own relief; I had completed the dare, which was to watch Link for 30 minutes. I scurry out of the training room as fast as possible. I continue to run all the way back to the room my friends were in.
Once I enter, I realize a couple of them were missing. I stop and stand in the doorway, eyes scanning the room. Peach, Rosalina, Lucina, and Relfect/Robina were perched on the couch and floor, but Samus and Palutena were not in sight.
Before I can say anything, Samus and Palutena run into my back; causing us to fall in a dog pile. I was, unfortunately, on the bottom... I groan.
          "" I choke out. They hurriedly stand up; offering me help. I gratefully take their hands and they hoist me up.
           "We're so sorry (Y/N)!! We had to know if you were actually doing the we watched you watch Link; ironic as it sounds." Palutena explains. I sigh and face-palm.
            "You guys are ridiculous." I reply simply, rolling my eyes.
            "Hey, it's not like you were getting anywhere without our help!" Peach exclaims. I look towards the door.
              "And what have I accomplished? I've become a stalker. I really appreciate it." I say sarcastically. The others eyes flick about as they mumble. "That's what I thought. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must leave."
           I quickly walk out the door; keeping my head down as I trail through the vast hallways. I'm suddenly grabbed by my forearm, being dragged into a random room.
            "What the h-" I start to say before a finger is placed on my lips.
           "Ah, ah, ah. There's no need for swearing. I thought you'd be more excited to see me." The person who grabbed me says. I turn to them, a look of annoyance castes upon my face.
           "Why would I- oh...hey Link." I start to snap before turning to see the person. Of course it was Link; this is totally cliché. My tone started to drop in the midst of my sentence. I look around, realizing we're in his room. My face turns a slight hue of pink.
            "Yup, it's me. Who did you expect, Pit?" Link asks, playfully rolling his eyes. I rub my arm.
           "Next time, just call out my name or something. There's no reason to be forceful." I point out. Link shrugs.
          "Ok, if you really want there to be a next time. What I mean is, for us to simply be alone in my room." Link replies. My face turns darker.
       "That's not what I was implying." I say, trying to convince him.
          "So you don't want to have alone time with me?" Link questions. I wave my hands around.
           "No, I never said that." I reply. Link raises his eyebrows.
         "So you do want to be alone with me." Link confirms. I wave my hands more.
         "I never said that either!" I exclaim. Link grips my wrists in his hands.
"I saw you earlier." Link explains. My face turns a slightly darker tone of pink.
"T-that was a dare!" I try to explain. Link moves his face closer to mine.
"I was just going to say that I didn't mind..." Lin mumbles, a smirk planted on his lips. I feel more heat rise to my face.
"O-oh? It that so?" I question awkwardly. Link hums a 'mmhm' in response. Link starts to lean closer to my face; causing me to back into a wall.
Link forces my wrists to the wall, holding them there. I shift and squirm, trying to escape. Link raises an eyebrow questioningly.
"Something wrong?" He asks, voice actually full of concern. I make slight eye contact with him, but immediately look down.
"Yes, what are you doing?" I ask quickly. Link looks down at me.
"Um...I kind of like I was going to show you." Link explains; taking a hand off my wrist to run his neck. I make an 'o' shape with my mouth.
"Y-you do?! But what about Zelda?" I quickly question. Link looked back down at me.
"I've never seen her that way..." Link explains.
", I like you too." I say quickly. Link smirks.
"Good, so now can I?" Link asks, not really finishes his question. I sigh.
"Yeah, sure." I reply. He pins my wrists back to the wall, quickly planting his lips on mine. Lin other pulls back. "Why'd you stop?" I ask. Link picks me up and places me on his bed.
"I thought we could move somewhere more comfortable." Link explains. This day wasn't so bad...


Clara: 1333 words. Hello my should I call you guys? Could you guys place ideas in the comments? Anyway, this was requested by twinklestar1234 hope you liked it. I'm to lazy to come up with any creative A/N, so remember to comment, vote, and request. Bye!

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