(M) Robin x Reader

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           I was walking (down stairs/down the hall) from my room. I was heading to go training, just as usual. It has been a pretty normal day, sitting in my room, making new tactics and reading.
I continued walking to the training room, only to be stopped. To my surprise, it was Roy, Marth, and Ike. This makes me slightly sad, I will admit. I was hoping it was going to be Robin.
"Um...is there something you guys need?" I ask, trying to look around them. They give me a confused look for a bit, but snap out of it.
"Have any of us told you how pretty you are?" Roy asks. I blush lightly, shaking my head.
"Well, no, but...I kind of need to go, so..." I say hurriedly. They seem to realize I didn't want to talk, so they stepped out of the way. Strange... I wonder what they were trying to do.

~3rd person POV~

Roy, Marth, and Ike stepped out of (Y/N)'s way. They watch as she continues speed-walking to go to the training room. They turn to each other.
"I guess Robina and Lucina didn't lie. She really does only like Robin, huh? I guess she gets uncomfortable if anyone else compliments her." Roy points out. Ike and Marth nod.
"Guess so..." Marth mumbles, watching the retreating back of the girl. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair swaying behind her as she walked. "I think we're going have to talk to the girls, we need those two to be together."
Roy and Ike nod in agreement. They couldn't have (Y/N) blowing everyone off. Getting those two together could end up in less people trying to compliment her, which means less people being blown off. Yup, stupid guy logic.

~Reader's POV~

I hurriedly walk away from those three. In all honesty, compliments from anyone makes me flustered. I will usually just try to get out of the situation as fast as possible.
Now, if it was Robin, then I might try and stay...I just realized how rude I must seem. Dang it. Socializing isn't on my lists of strengths. Being cooped up in my room or doing something by myself are things on my strength list.
          I quickly shake my head, snapping out of my thoughts. I head into the training room, pulling out my (weapon(s)). I walk over to a sand bag, (shooting/slashing/hitting) it.
           I continue you this for awhile. I look around, seeing if there is anyone to have a practice round with. Unfortunately, the whole training room seemed to be vacant. I raise an eyebrow at this.
           There is usually someone here. It's not like the others to miss a day. I shrug to myself, putting away my (weapon(s)). I peep my head out of the training room door, looking back and forth. The cost was clear.
I walk out, steps light and quiet. As I continued, I hear a slight giggling. Then some more. What the heck?! I look around. I peek my head around a corner.
           My eyes widen. There sat Lucina and Robin. That may sound odd, but there are random tables set up against all the walls, along with two chairs. I frown. I should probably leave...but what if something happens?
            I stay right where I'm standing, barely peeking around the corner. They continued talking, until Lucina leaned in and pecked Robin's cheek. His face turns completely red.
            I shake my head sadly. I quickly walk the opposite way, steps still quiet and quick. Unfortunately, Robin seemed to notice my (f/c) cloak lined with (second/f/c) lining.
             "(Y/N)? Is that you?" Robin questions, even though he knows the answer. I stop abruptly, a few stray tears falling down my face. I close my eyes shut tight and ball up me fists.
Why does this hurt so much? It's just one stupid guy and one stupid kiss? Why does it even matter? I turn my head towards him a little, looking at him over my back. With one eye, basically.
"Why don't you go back to your girlfriend? There's no need for me here." I reply, hurt in my voice. My eyes flick to the floor when I see Robin flinch slightly. His eyes then widen.
"What do you mean?" He asks quickly. I roll my eyes and start walking away. I hear footsteps behind me, causing me to speed up. "(Y/N)!" Robin yells after me. A few more stray tears fall. Why did I fall so hard?
            I run. I couldn't stand it. I could no longer be around those two love-birds. It hurt. A lot. It shouldn't, I always knew this would happen. I don't understand emotions, they're so stupid.
I ran all the way to my room. I shut the door and plop in my bed. A few more stray tears fall, but I shake my head. Trying to snap out of this. It's just one guy. That's all this is. I hear the calling of my name, as well as footsteps outside.
The door slams open, causing my eyes to widen. There stood Robin, panting. I give him a slight glare before flicking my eyes away. Why am I so stupid?! I left the door unlocked. Robin starts walking towards me, which makes me stand up.
Before I can do anything, Robin quickly slams me to my own bed. I struggle to get out of his grasp, but he straddled my legs and held my wrists in his hands. I continue to struggle, my face still stained with tears.
"(Y/N)." Robin says. I ignore him. "(Y/N)." He repeats. I continue to ignore him. "(Y/N)!" He yells. I give in and look up at him.
"What?" I ask harshly, making Robin flinch. My facial expression softens at that.
"I love you. Lucina means nothing to me." Robin replies forwardly. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, totally. And I didn't just see Lucina kiss you." I say sarcastically. Robin frowns.
"But, (Y/N), I'm telling the truth." He replies. I raise an eyebrow.
"Then why did you do nothing when she kissed you, huh?" I ask. Robin sighs.
"It was part of Roy, Marth, Ike's plan. They thought it would make you go into a 'jealous rage' or something like that. But, they were being kind of stupid...and this is where it led." Robin explains.
"Oh..." I mumble, looking away. My face was now a bright red, realizing our position. Also to what Robin was saying. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Robin start to turn red too.
"I-I'm s-sorry (Y-Y/N)." Robin apologizes, standing to stand up. Without thinking, I grab the collapse of his cloak, pulling him down. Apparently, I pulled to hard. Before we realized it, Robin's lips were on mine. Well, that was cliché.
Our eyes widen, faces bright red. After a couple seconds, our eyes flutter shut and we kiss back a bit more. After a little while, we pull back, panting for breath.
"Um...uh...I love you Robin..." I mumble. He smiles down at me.
"I love you too." Robin replies.


Clara:1206 words. Hello my Reader-Chan. I'm back. This was requested by TacticianMagician I hope you liked it! That's all for now, remember to comment, vote, and request, bye!

  Edited: I just realized today someone else also requested this. This person being @x-reader-writer. I'm so sorry I forgot!

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