Cloud x Reader

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      Persistent. That's what everyone says I am. Only because I became friends with Cloud. It was hard, and it did take a lot of effort, but it was worth it.
      It sometimes feels like he's a completely different person around me. Sort of. Cloud just talks quite a bit more and actually shows emotion.
     I'm glad I put the effort in to become his friend. Cloud seems to be able to read my emotions with ease. It's kind of surprising, to say the least.
      Anyway, I was in my room, drawing a picture. Of Cloud, to be exact. Let's just say, it's the type you don't want anyone else but yourself to see. I was just drawing him shirtless.
      Still, not something I want others to see. Especially Cloud. But, as luck would have it, the universe wasn't on my side today. Cloud walked into the room, barely making a sound.
     "What are you drawing?" He asks bluntly, standing behind my back. I jump and start getting flustered. I quickly grab my sketch book and slam it shut, my face going red.
     "Just a sketch." I reply, gripping the sketchbook tightly. Since we became such good friends, I realized just how nice Cloud is.
       He really does care about the people close to him. I might have a "tiny" crush on him. Cloud raised an eyebrow.
      "Really? You expect me to believe that when your face looks like a tomato?" Cloud asks. I look away slightly.
       "Yes." I reply as bluntly as possible. He sighs. Cloud then turns around. Suddenly, he turns back towards me and snatches the sketchbook. "Hey!" I say in surprise.
       Cloud quickly turns to the last page. His eyes widen slightly. Cloud's eyes go back to normal and he smirks. He then dangles it in front of my face, only to reveal that Cloud was looking at the sketch of him shirtless.
       My face becomes redder and I quickly look away. I then look down to my feet, hair hiding my face. Cloud walks up to me.
      "(Y/N), it's a really good drawing. Problem is, you messed up my figure. Let's fix that, shall we?" Cloud says as he hands me back my sketchbook. I give him a confused look.
       Out of nowhere, he takes his shirt off. My eyes trail him up and down. Cloud had a nice 6 pack. He also looked really hot...
"Like what you see?" He asks in a teasing voice. I look away in embarrassment. I was staring. Damn it.
"M-maybe..." I say quietly. It is just me or is Cloud more teasing than usual? Never mind.
"Hey, if you're going to draw me you kind of have to look at me." Cloud says. Damn it. I look up. I then look down to my sketch book.
'Ok so I'm going to change the detail there and there... he has an even better build than I thought...' I think to myself as I continue to sketch Cloud. After awhile, I finished.
      "And... done!" I say triumphantly. I then look at the finished drawing then back up at Cloud. It was... ok. Damn it, not again. Cloud grabs the sketchbook.
       "It sure take you a long time." He says bluntly. I shrug. Cloud then looks over the sketch. "Looks cool." He adds. I smile.
      "Thank you." I say, completely forgetting that Cloud was shirtless. He turns to me, grabs my shoulders, and smashes his lips to mine.
       My eyes widen and my face starts to heat up. They slowly close and I start kiss back. I place my hands on his chest, only to remember he was shirtless. All to soon, the kiss ends.
      "What was that for?" I ask. Cloud turns to me.
     "You're reward." He says. Cloud then walks out of my room. I stand and run after him. Cloud has got some explaining to do...

Clara: 649 words. This was requested by FantasyLightning   I'm sorry it took awhile and that Cloud was OOC. Sorry!!

Pit: Hi!

Clara: Hey Pit...

Pit: Aw, what's wrong?

Clara: I'm fine.

Link: Hey people!

Clara: What are you doing here?

Link: I was supposed to be in last chapter...

Clara: Oh yeah, guess I forgot.

Pit: ............ Too bad! ...... *covers mouth*....... I didn't mean to say that aloud.

Clara: *Rolls eyes*. Whatever you say Pit. Anyway, remember to comment, vote, and request, bye!

P&L: Bye!

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