Pikachu x Pikachu! Reader

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(I couldn't resist putting that picture).

I was rolling around outside with all the other Pokémon. Well, I am a Pikachu myself, so that would only make sense...
Given that I'm a female, the end of my tail forms two little bumps like a heart. I also wore a cute little red bow on my left/right ear.

      Other than that, I'm just an ordinary Pikachu

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      Other than that, I'm just an ordinary Pikachu. Nothing special. I don't even know why I'm here. I know why the other Pikachu is here. I mean, his trainer is here and they did totally amazing things back in our game.
     No one seems to question why I'm here, though. They just think I'm adorable. They simply don't understand what's actually going on inside my head.
      I can only say 'Pika or Pikachu' and stuff like that. The only living organisms that I can talk to are all the other Pokémon. They incased us in this mansion, us Pokémon only being able to react with each other.
       This can lead to many fights and, trust me, they weren't pretty. We usually fight in the arena, at least. Sometimes they can get out of hand. This is what happens when they confine only, what, 8 Pokémon in one place.
      It would be better if there were more, but, sadly, that can not happen. There's to little space.
      But, even though we fight, we understand one another. The fights are resolved quickly, even if things are taken a little to far. We forgive each other in the end, not matter what.
      Why? Because we're all we have. There isn't anyone else who can help each other through hard times. For the moment, we're all we have.
       Anyway, I was rolling around with Pikachu and some of the other Pokémon. Luckily, we were getting along at the moment. The one Pokémon that understands me the most is, of course, the other Pikachu.
       I mean, we are the same exact species! It's nearly impossible not to be able to understand each other. People don't seem to understand how our minds are set up. We're a lot smarter than they think!
        Suddenly, some of the Smashers walked up to us. They started to aw at us. It was a tad bit annoying.
      "Aw, look how adorable they are. I wonder, they can understand us, can't they?" Peach says. Zero-suit Samus nods.
       "Yeah, they can. I wonder if they ever get annoyed with us." Samus thinks aloud. I try to nod me head, but I accidentally nod to hard and fall on my tummy.
      "Aw, she's so cute. Well, if they understand us, do they understand love the way do? Or do they understand in a more animalistic way?" Peach wonders.
     "I'm guessing they might actually understand love the way we do. I mean, have you seen the way the female Pikachu acts around the male Pikachu?" Samus replies. Peach shrugs.
       "I guess that would make sense. They understand us, right? Never mind, that's a rhetorical question. Perhaps we could help Pokémon with love and play matchmaker like we do with others..." Peach says, mumbling the last part under her breath.
       "Well, if we're going to do it, I suggest we start with those two." Samus says, pointing at me and Pikachu. The already red circles on my face get a hint of pink over them. Samus then laughs a bit.
       "What's so funny?" Peach asks. Samus points to me.
      "It seems like that one is blushing." Samus replies. I yelp and scurry behind Charizard. He turns around and looks down at me.
        "What are you hiding from?" Charizard asks in our language. (Pokémon have one big language now, but they make the same sounds to people). I slowly stuck out my head from behind Charizard.
"Peach and Samus, they want to play matchmaker and get me and Pikachu together." I reply. Peach spots me.
"She's right there Samus!" Peach yells, pointing to my location behind Charizard.
"Why is that so bad?" Charizard asks. I look way up at him.
"It would be embarrassing is all." I reply. Charizard grunts and snorts out some fire. I roll to the side and dodge.
      "It's about time the both of you got together. Or get together. What I mean is, by the end of this, the both of you will be a couple!" Charizard says in frustration.
       I sigh. Suddenly, I'm lifted off the ground. I yelp and start to squirm around.
      "Sh, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." Samus whispers gently. I stop squirming and relax in her arms. No point in struggling against the two matchmakers now. "I got her Peach!" Samus calls out. I twitch.
"Ah, I got the other!" Peach replies. The two of them walk with Pikachu and I in their arms. They take us to a nice garden area, full of flowers along with a small pond with lily pads floating on the top.
"Perfect!" Samus announces. Peach and Samus set us down. They automatically run off. I tilt my head my head in confusion. I then sigh.
"I'm sorry about this, Pikachu." I apologize. Pikachu smiles lightly at me. I feel a blush come onto my cheeks and a bit of electricity to come out.
"It's fine, (Y/N). I don't mind. I'm in a pretty garden with a pretty Pikachu. Why would there be a reason to apologize?" Pikachu replies smoothly. I feel some more electricity spark out.
"A-ah, you think I'm pretty?" I ask shyly. Pikachu nuzzles my cheek, sending static electricity everywhere, causing a shiver to go up my tiny spine.
"Y-yeah. I do.... um...random question...would you like to be my girlfriend? I-I love you." Pikachu mumbles. I smile and nuzzle against him.
"Yes!" I say happily. I then lick his cheek. Well, we consider this kissing, but that's besides the point. Pikachu blushes lightly, causing more electricity to flow out.
We then lay down and curl against each other in a big ball. I smile to myself. Maybe being one of the only Pokémon isn't t so bad...

~Extended Ending~

"Do you think they actually told each other? Or do Pokémon not understand love like we do?" Peach questions.
"I'm pretty sure they understand." Samus replies, pointing up at yours and Pikachu's curled up figures.
"Another question. Do you think we're going to see a bunch of little Pikachu running around?" Peach asks. Samus sweat drops.
"Not yet."


Clara: 1077 words. Hey guys! This was requested by ThatsMePikaJST4203 I hope you enjoyed!

Pit: Hello Clara-Chan! Who did you do this time?

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Clara: Aw, can I hold you?

Pikachu: *nods*

Clara: Yay! *Picks up Pikachu*. Actually, would you rather me brush your tail?

Pikachu: *nods*

Clara: Alright. *Sets down Pikachu and pulls out a brush*. Here we go. *Starts brushing Pikachu's tail*

Pikachu: *purrs*

Pit: Clara-chan...

Clara: *stops brushing Pikachu*. Aw, is Pitty-Pat getting jealous?

Pit: *blushes lightly*. No!

Clara: Fine. Pikachu you're free to go.

Pikachu: *licks Clara's ankle and runs off*

Clara: Bye Pikachu!

Pit: Can you pay attention to me now?

Clara: Fine, but, I'm sorry, Pikachu is adorable!

Pit: Aren't I adorable?

Clara: Well yeah...

Pit: Can't you just pay attention to me then?

Clara: Pit, I can't always have my attention focused on you. Anyway, next up is Gijinka! King Dedede, then another Pit, and then Roy.
Pit: Oh, you're doing another one about me?!

Clara: Yes. I mean, how could I not? ... Anyway, bye guys and remember to comment, vote, and request!

Pit: Bye!

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