Chapter 86: Ice-Griffin attacks! (Laughing at Annabeth even more)

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Hannibal trudged through the desert with Octavian beside him. They had been walking for hours, and still, the mountains that the griffin had flew to were still no closer. It was as if they hadn't moved forward at all.

Octavian groaned and tossed his crystal ball, the conduit for his powers, high into the air. "Are we any closer?"

"I don't know," Hannibal said, frowning. "I think so."

"And you're sure you can't--"

"Yes, Octavian, I'm sure I can't."

Octavian sighed and caught his crystal ball. "Alright. If you can't do that, then can you do something else?"

Hannibal reached into his cloak. "Maybe? I might be able to--"

A massive screech echoed across the desert, and the massive griffin came into view from the mountains. It began to grow closer and closer, flying much faster than Hannibal and Octavian's walk.

"Is it coming toward us?" Hannibal asked, raising his hand above his eyes and squinting.

Octavian opened his mouth and was interrupted by another, different screech. Hannibal's face paled and began to backpedal.

"GO!" He yelled, turning and sprinting away. Octavian watched him run in confusion, and then another screech sounded out as the air chilled.

His eyes widened, and he began to chase after Hannibal. The griffin grew closer and closer until it slammed down in front of Hannibal, halting him in his tracks. Octavian skidded to a halt beside him, kicking up sand and staring at the griffin, who stared down at the two of them.

It was easily the height of two houses, maybe even bigger. It had icy-blue feathers, an ocean-blue beak, and its eyes were orbs of pure white, like fresh snow.

Hannibal took a step back. "Good griffin?"

The griffin screeched and grabbed Hannibal in its claw before flapping its wings and lifting off the ground. Hannibal yelled and pulled a dagger out of his cloak before trying to stab the creatures foot with it.

The dagger bounced off its skin, sending sparks back down to the ground. Hannibal looked at Octavian, who was staring.

"Do something!"

"Oh yeah!" Octavian said as the griffin got into the air. "Don't worry!"

The griffin began to fly away, quickly heading back toward the mountain. Octavian held out his crystal ball and focused on the bird. Its energy grew farther and farther away, but he managed to latch onto it.

He flew off the ground and began to follow its flight path, as if his ball was tethered to the beast. He clutched it as tight as he could, watching the sandy ground rush underneath him.

The mountains grew larger and larger as they neared them. As Octavian grew closer to the griffin, he watched Hannibal struggle in its claw, punching it and trying to stab into it. Octavian grimaced as the griffin tightened its grip, squeezing Hannibal.

"Help!" Hannibal said through his teeth, unable to move his arms.

"I'm trying!" Octavian yelled.

The griffin screeched and whirled around, trying to find Octavian. He yelped as he flew around its back, trying his best to keep hold of his crystal ball despite his sweaty palms.

The griffin, seeing nothing behind it, turned and continued flying toward the mountain. Octavian once again whirled around its back before stabilizing. They neared the mountains, and a small village at its bottom caught Octavian's eye.

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