Chapter 72: A choice and a battle. (Clytius has bad smoke habits)

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Estelle shot up, breathing heavily. She summoned her battle-axe and gripped it tightly, looking around the room. Next to her were the sleeping forms of Zoe and Artemis, both of whom were mumbling in fear and moving restlessly. Estelle moved to Zoe's side and shook her as hard as she could. Her eyes shot open, and her body went rigid as her eyes moved around, eventually landing on Estelle.

"Estelle? Is that you?" She asked.

Estelle nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it's me."

She groaned and sat up. "I- that was not fun."

"Yeah," Estelle said quietly.

Zoe, hearing her tone, immediately zeroed in. "What did you dream about?"

"I don't - I don't want to talk about it," Estelle said.

Zoe narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure?"

Estelle nodded. "Yeah. Wake Artemis up."

Zoe moved to Artemis's side, and Estelle looked at the surroundings. They were all in a black room, with debris and cracked tiling surrounding them. The roof above was a giant hole, reaching all the way up to what Estelle could only presume was the floor they had fallen from before passing out.

Artemis groaned loudly as she stood up.

"That fall hurt. Are you two okay?" She asked.

Zoe nodded, and Estelle stayed silent. Artemis frowned at Estelle's silence, but her thoughts were interrupted by Zoe pointing at the only door in the room.

"Is that where we're going?" She asked.

"It's the only way we can go," Estelle said, walking toward it.

They opened the door and passed through, entering a much, much bigger room.

"It's the size of a coliseum," Artemis noted, turning to look around the domed room in wonder and not noticing the threat in the middle of the room.

At the other side of the room was a glowing blue door, one that Zoe could feel held Oceanus within.

Estelle gripped her weapon. "Is that who I think it is?"

Artemis snapped back to attention and followed Estelle's gaze. In the middle of the room was a black throne. On it, Clytius the giant sat, staring at them. His black smoke swirled around the throne, being kept near him. He put a hand on his throne and stood up, facing the group. Artemis and Zoe drew their bows while Estelle readied her axe, watching the giant.

Above him, the darkness of the room swirled together, forming the figure of Erebus. Estelle glared at him, and he laughed.

"You surprised me," he complimented. "I didn't think you'd have the gall to drive the spear through yourself. For that, I applaud you."

"Why are you here?" Estelle asked. "Aren't we too far beneath you to fight?"

Erebus grinned. "Correct. You are beneath me. Thank you for acknowledging it. But, to answer your question..."

He floated closer to them and held out his two hands. "I'm here to offer you a choice."

"Forget it," Zoe snarled. "We're not taking anything from you."

Erebus smirked. "I think you'll want to hear my offer first."

Zoe began to protest, but Artemis put out a hand to stop her. "What are you offering?"

Zoe stared at Artemis in disbelief, and Erebus laughed. "Wise choice, goddess. As to what I'm offering? It concerns my champion."

He turned to Estelle with a wider grin.

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