Chapter 12: Excerpts. (Another prophecy)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

A week ago was the ten year anniversary of our failure and the deaths of four of our team members.

I was angry. And even worse, when I use my trident, I occasionally get glimpses of the future.

Probably due to Fading Octavian with it. So anyway, I was mad and sad, so I went to Chaos to request a mission.

Only for him to break the news to me. Aether, my brother, had been killed. Or, at least, went missing. It could be millions of years until he returned. If he did at all. No one could find his essence, after all.

I was even angrier, if it was even possible. I had spent days, weeks, and months with him. He taught me how to control the air and how to fly with my wings, but most importantly, he was my brother.

And now, I wouldn't see him for ages. When I asked Chaos what happened, he winced and said that Tartarus did it.

Great.  Another Primordial that I will inevitably end up fighting one day. At least I don't have nightmares about him anymore.

Chaos presented me with an option. Utterly decimate an army or blow up some planets.

I chose both. So, he teleported me to Farkyn, a beautiful planet that was, unfortunately, filled with a society of terrible, terrible people.

I was teleported to an open field, where I saw an army vs. a ragtag group of about 30.

I cracked my knuckles and launched into the army, and tore them apart with my bare hands.

I used my powers to suck their blood out of their bodies. I froze any liquids and stabbed them through the hearts. I split people in half with my hands.

At one point, I came across a hulking man with absolute power radiating from him.

He laughed and challenged me, saying the only way for him to die was to be crushed. He told me that he was the leader and that I was interrupting his attack.

I simply smiled and raised my hand to the sky. It flickered and disappeared, showing the vastness of space and the planets in this solar system.

One by one, each planet broke into thousands of pieces and started falling to Farkyn.

I continued fighting and eventually stopped, my cloak and skin stained with blood.

I flew up to the sky and pointed at what remained of the army, the ragtag group I had long since teleported to safety.

The broken parts of the planets crashed into the ground, decimating what was left of the army, but I felt no remorse.

I saw myself doing this when I used my trident for the second time. I knew it was coming.

I flew up into space and mentally searched the planet for innocent sentience, teleporting them to new planets, far away from this one.

I pointed at this solar systems star and made it implode. The wave of power and force charred what was left of the planets, but I simply closed my fist, and in my hand, appeared a glass sphere, with a star's explosion frozen in time within it.

I shoved the sphere into my cloak and looked at the now empty space around me before teleporting back to Chaos's office.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

The future visions have stopped completely. I recently had my biggest yet, and since then, I haven't even gotten a hint of the future.

The final vision was just glimpses. I saw Her, which was nice. I saw Gaea and cookies, which was good. She loves cookies. I saw Leo, sitting on a stump, tears in his eyes. I wonder what that was about. I saw Kronos being beheaded.

I saw Luke in his cloak and mask, laughing at my old camp friends. I saw myself on a stage, singing with some of my team. I saw a giant gold ball crash onto said stage. I saw Nyx crying and handing me a small spike. I saw Maj with another large snake.

I saw Achilles and Patroclus on a dining table, embracing each other. I saw Charles smiling smugly while his drones zipped about. I saw Zoe riding on Luke's shoulders, bow drawn.

But the most unsettling was a glimpse of my maybe 13 year old sister... standing behind Annabeth, trapping her and holding a knife to her neck.

I need to talk to Chaos.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I talked to some siblings yesterday. Nyx was quiet and withdrawn, but we talked. Divorce is hard, especially when you have kids.

Even if they are thousands of years old.

I brought Gaea some cookies. It took me a couple of days to make them, but the end result was perfect.

Warm, blue chocolate chip cookies with green frosting in the shapes of Earth's continents.

She loved them and shared some with me. We talked about Ouranus and how our deal still stands.

The third time I ever met Gaea, we made a deal. She would chill out and visit her family more if I could get her back with Ouranus.

It's quite a hard task, but I've been trying for years now, but I know it'll happen eventually.

Technically, the Titans are my nephews, which is quite strange. I still miss Bob and Damasen sometimes.

I talked with Chaos about my final glimpses of the future, and he shared a prophecy with me.

"The cloaked one goes back

To his old, old pack

He must fight and kill

But not for the thrill

The ones who scarred him

Will have to push through his dim

The one he failed to save

Will return to help the ways pave

The one he loves

Will not lose her doves

And an exploding star

Will save everyone from evils char"

I don't think it boads that well. But I do think that this confirms an idea I had.

One day, I will have to return to Earth.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I'm going to go insane. I don't know how to do this.

I've bottled up everything for the past... many years, and now it's too much.

I'm going to explode, and I don't think I can stop it.

I need myself.

I need hope.

I need Her.

Something broke yesterday. I think it was my final restrictions to mortality. No more power limiting.


Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ