Chapter 7: Her. (Percy loves her.)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

Alright, this page can only be seen by me. I guess if I died, others could read it, though.

I lied earlier in my journal. I had one other person who hurt to leave. I won't mention her name for safety reasons.

I... 'met' someone when traveling with the Hunters. My heart was still hurt from Annabeth leaving, and I wasn't sure if I could love again when I joined the Hunt.

I was wrong. I fell hard. As much as it hurt, I couldn't bring up the topic to her, for... reasons. The main reason was that I wasn't sure if I needed another relationship. Also, she would probably get mad.

So one day, we went for a walk. We'd been on walks before, but this one was different. While we were walking, she slipped her hand in mine, and I pulled away quickly.

She looked sad, and I asked her why. She let it all out and explained how she had started to fall for me, and she didn't know how to approach it.

I was shocked and stayed silent. She was about to walk away, but I called her back and explained my feelings towards her.

She was overjoyed, to say the least. Very tentative, but overjoyed. I'd been with the Hunters for about 3 months by now, and I tried to hide our relationship.

I succeeded. No one caught on, and we were happy. We grew closer and closer, spending more time around each other, protecting each other, and being with each other.

When I left, it hurt. She was the hardest to leave, especially because by that point, I knew how she thought.

She thought that I would come back. It might take a couple of days, but she thought I would come back, albeit much colder to a Hunter.

I didn't come back. And if what my brother said about the Hunt is true (which it is, since he was with them for a long time,) they would be searching for me.

They wouldn't find me, though. I hope that one day they give up, but I know in my heart that they won't.

When I get sent back to Earth, I will reveal myself to them. All of them. I forgave Pheobe long ago, especially after my brother explained why she acted the way she did.

I still miss her, though. The girl I loved. The woman who healed my heart. I still see her in my dreams sometimes, fighting with me, sitting with me, eating with me, and swimming with me.

I wake up with tears on my face every time. My team knows of my relationship with her (except Zoe, who is oblivious for some reason), and while they were surprised, they're glad I found someone.

Carl is by my side, the little gelatinous monster. He's telling me it's time for the mission.

It's the most dangerous mission we will be going on, and there will be six of us.

I'm writing this here, so if I die, the rest of my team will be able to give the journal to the woman I love.

If you're reading this, you know who you are. I love you, and I'm sorry I couldn't return to you.

Excerpt from Percy's journal: only an empty paragraph down.

I survived. Luke and I survived, but the other four are gone. We technically succeeded, but it doesn't feel like a victory.

At least my journal isn't being delivered to Her, with news of my death.

The only thing keeping me going is seeing her again. I NEED to see her again. Even if it takes 10,000 years, I will see her again.

I have to...

Percy POV:

I give my team instructions, turn invisible, and teleport away. The Hunters need my help.

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