Chapter 82: Outside the cabin. (Except for Leo, you don't get to see him)

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Achilles raced through the camp, running as fast as he could to Thalia's pine. As he neared it, he saw the faint outline of a massive beast.

One that he had never seen, but Percy had told him about it before. The Minotaur.

He sprinted straight up the hill and yelled as loud as he could, drawing the monster's attention away from the poor demigod attempting to fight it.

The Minotaur's eyes widened as Achilles bowled into him, sending them both crashing and tumbling down the hill. The monster snorted and grabbed Achilles.

It stood and held Achilles above his head before slamming him down onto his knee. A loud crack was heard, and the Minotaur dropped Achilles, howling in pain.

Achilles stood up. "Nice try."

Patroclus, who had just reached Thalia's pine, chucked one of his spears. It sank deep into the Minotaur's eye, and the beast quickly poofed into golden dust.

Patroclus sent the camper away and approached Achilles.

"You shouldn't have let him grab you," he fussed. "What if you weren't invincible?"

"Then I wouldn't have let him grab me," Achilles responded. "Besides, you'd be there to heal me."

Patroclus crossed his arms. "Oh... alright, fine. You would have been fine."

"Thank you," Achilles said. "Now, we should return to--"

A loud snarl erupted out of nowhere,  and then Achilles was on the ground, something scratching and tearing at the back of his cloak. A loud thunk was heard, and whatever weight had been on him dropped to his side.

Patroclus helped him up, and they both stared at the dying hellhound on the ground.

"That wasn't here a moment ago," Patroclus said.

"No... it wasn't," Achilles said, surveying the area around them. "And hellhounds aren't fast enough to attack without us seeing them first."

"So where did it come from?" Patroclus asked as the monster burst into dust.

Achilles reached into his cloak and pulled out a small monocle.

"Beckendorf, you win 5 bucks," he said quietly as he raised the monocle to his eye.

His face paled, and he placed the monocle back in his cloak. "Inside the tree line," he said.

"What?" Patroclus asked as the sound cracking began to spread across the hill.

"INTO THE TREE LINE, NOW!" Achilles yelled, backtracking and pushing Patroclus with him. The hill began to crack violently, and monsters began to crawl out of the cracks at incredible speeds.

A hellhound raced at the duo and then slammed into the camps shield, bouncing off just footsteps away from them. It began to prowl back and forth as more monsters crawled out of the cracks. Finally, the cracks shut, leaving behind about 20 monsters, all of which stayed away from Peleus.

"That's bad," Patroclus said.

"Thanks hun," Achilles responded. "I couldn't have guessed."

Patroclus huffed but focused on the monsters. "Can you get rid of them?"

"I can," Achilles said. "But we'll have to trade off with other Strike members. I can't fight monsters all night."

Patroclus readied his spear. "Then let's go."
Hazel crashed into her bed, exhausted. While she hadn't spoken much during the meeting, just being consciously present in one was something she had to get used to again.

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