Chapter 76: Where everything doesn't go well. (Get ready.)

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"He's here..." Bianca said as she cut through a monster. Erebus floated above Thoon, grinning widely. Above the both of them, Percy was still fighting the creature.

Luke winced. "Percy better get done with that monster soon, or else we might be screwed."

Erebus spread his arm out as if trying to do something, but a gold portal appeared in front of him. He stared at it in confusion, only for Hemera to come flying out of it. She latched onto him, and they both crashed into the ground.

Next to Luke, a second golden portal appeared, and Michael stepped out of it.

"Am I laTe?" He asked as he fired an arrow at an approaching monster.

Luke laughed. "Not at all!"
Erebus struggled against Hemera as she continually punched him. He was pinned under her, trying to deflect the best he could, but her fists battered into him. He managed to catch one of her fists and catch her by surprise, using the moment to grab her neck.

She began to choke as he struggled to stand up, eventually succeeding and holding her above the ground. She scraped her hands against his to no avail. He snarled at her.

"You shouldn't have done that," he said as he squeezed tighter.

Hemera glared at him in defiance and then began to glow. His eyes widened, and he let go as she exploded. They both flew back and slammed into the ground. Hemera stood up and lunged at him again, but he caught her with his legs and twirled, slamming her back into the ground. Quickly, he threw a small ball at her. It hit her and exploded into rope, binding her.

She thrashed violently, and Erebus watched her, breathing heavily. "That won't give. It's specifically designed to capture our kind."

Hemera glared at him with incredibly intense hate. "So whAt now? Are yoU going to kiLl me?"

Erebus chuckled and brushed off his clothes. "Unfortunately, I can't. My device that can kill immortals is not currently on my person."

"WheRe is it?" Hemera asked.

"That's not for you to know," Erebus responded before leaving her behind, re-entering the battlefield.
Thoon continued to watch the demigods battle the monsters until Erebus floated next to him.

Erebus looked up and frowned at the flying dragon. "Is that... ugh, is that a child of my sister?"

He turned to Thoon. "Get rid of it."

Thoon nodded and twirled his meat cleaver before putting his arm behind his head, taking aim for the dragon. Erebus floated up toward the middle of the battlefield as he launched the cleaver.
Leo was high on life, whooping and laughing in excitement. Every boulder that had come the demigods way had been destroyed, either by Festus's jaw or the rare event of Leo managing to blow it up. He swooped and flew throughout the battlefield, occasionally dropping fireballs on unsuspecting monsters' heads or laughing as he watched an enemy die.

But, as the saying goes, everything good must come to an end.

Erebus floated out of a black portal, and despite Leo's initial worries, the yellow lady seemed to have it covered. He turned Festus around and raised an arm toward a passing boulder, breaking it into rubble.

Then Festus screamed, and Leo felt a searing pain where his arm was. Out of the corner of his eye, a large metal object flew past, whirling away into the distance. Leo looked at his side with wide eyes, shock overcoming his body.

Like, he saw that both he and Festus were missing an arm, but it didn't really register, you know? And the fire he had subconsciously started around them didn't help either.

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora