Chapter 74: A Hunter takes the rinse. (Calm before the storm)

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The flash of white light engulfed Artemis's vision, blinding her. For a few moments, she felt herself go weightless, and then she landed on the grassy ground of a hill. Grass stretched in all directions, and the bright sun shined overhead, basking everything in its radiant light. Almost no clouds were in the sky, and soft wind occasionally blew past her.

In front of her, water rose out of the ground, eventually taking the form of Oceanus, who was no longer glowing.

"Hello," he said simply.

Artemis pushed herself up, still clutching the staff.

"Hello," she said back. "Where are we?"

"We're in your head," Oceanus responded bluntly.

Artemis raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes," he said. "Thalassa told you what would happen to the person who took my staff, correct?"

Artemis nodded.

"Good," he said. "That means we can continue without needing to explain."

He waved his hand, and her vision began to black out.

"I hope you see good memories."
Artemis ran through the field, trying her best to get away from her brother, who was chasing her with hus arm outstretched. She managed to twist around his arm as he got close and ran past him, sprinting as fast as she could.

He laughed. "C'mon, sis!"

Artemis turned around and stuck her tongue out, trying to taunt him. What she didn't expect was that to be a part of his plan, as she had no time to dodge his rushing form.

He lightly slapped her arm and sprinted past her, laughing. "You're it!"

Artemis stared at his retreating form for a second before sprinting after him in anger.

"Apollo!" She yelled. "You're going to pay for tricking me!"

He jumped and turned, sticking out his tongue. "Just try to catch me!"

"Artemis! Apollo!" A familiar voice called. "There's someone who wishes to meet you!"

They both stopped running and turned their heads, looking at their mother, who was walking toward them. Behind her was a large man with grey eyes and black hair. He smiled at them.

Their mother smiled at her kids. "Your father has decided to visit for a little while."

Artemis smiled and ran toward him. He leaned down and scooted her up in her arms, swinging her around.

"Hey, Huntress!" He said, laughing.

Artemis giggled as they stopped spinning, hugging him tightly. "Hi, daddy."

Zeus put her down and looked at Apollo, who was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Well?" Zeus asked.

"H-hi dad," Apollo stuttered.

Zeus grinned and walked forward, ruffling Apollo's hair. "You'll get used to seeing me more."

Leto's smile faltered for a moment. "Will they, now?"

Zeus nodded. "Of course, what with their visits to Olympus and whatnot."

"We're going to visit Olympus?" Artemis asked in disbelief.

Zeus nodded. "If you want to join our council, you'll have to."

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