Chapter 25: The counselor meeting. (LoRe?!)

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Percy POV:

I walk through camp, appreciating it. I may not like the people here, but the strawberry fields and the beautiful cabins never fail to make me smile.

My companions are talking just outside my head, something about whether donuts, cookies, or cake was better.

I chuckle and stop walking when I see Nico running out of the Apollo cabin, holding Will in a bridal carry. He looks panicked.

Kayla rushes out of the Apollo cabin, frantic, and starts to chase Nico.


Nico whirls around. "Bullsh1t! You just want to ask him about Hope!"

He disappears into a shadow, and she dejectedly kicks a rock before turning to go back to her cabin, head hanging.

"Not my fault I want to know more about the guy who saved us, I just-oomph!"

She runs directly into me and stumbles back, blushing.

"Hope! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -"

"You want to know more about me?" I ask.

She nods furiously, and I turn around.

"It doesn't look like Will will [funni] be at the counselor meeting. Would you like to come instead?"

She furiously nods, and I smile under my mask.

We make our way to the Big House, uninterrupted. Kayla is almost jumping in excitement behind me.

My eyes stray to the floating, black city above the forest. It's full of hustle and bustle as civilians try to get settled. I smile.

I reach the porch and see Dionysus on a rocking chair, trying to play Pinochle by himself.

He looks up. "Oh, Hate, hello. Yes, the others are waiting for you inside."

I continue to the door and hold it open for Kayla. She walks in, and I close the door behind her.

I turn back to Dionysus. "I would appreciate it if you called me by my name."

He shrugs. "What have you done to ever warrant my respect? I'd call Gaea Gram if I could."

I laugh. "She would love that, actually. And what I have done to earn your respect..."

I take off my mask and stare into his eyes. "I stopped Pollux from fighting when you asked, and I brought Castor back to fight with me. He was an amazing warrior, and he died an honorable death, sacrificing his life so me and Hero would survive. He was a brother to me."

Dionysus stares at me, and a tear forms in his eye before he blinks it away.

"I- thank you, Hope," he says softly, looking away from me and over the fields.

I nod to him and put on my mask, heading inside.
The atmosphere of the meeting room was stiflingly uncomfortable.

Rachel, Chiron, the 7 (minus Leo and me), Clarisse, Katie, Kayla, Jonathan (for some reason), Lou Ellen, Travis and Connor, Reyna, and Clovis are sitting, waiting for me.

I snap and summon a simple wooden seat and sit at the ping pong table between Kayla and Reyna.

"So..." Annabeth begins.

"So?" I reply.

"Can we talk?" She asks, gesturing to the people around the table.

I nod and lean back, putting my boots on the table. I snap, and the cheese spray flies into my hands.

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Where stories live. Discover now