Chapter 29: Crush the heart. (Another prophecy?)

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Percy POV:

I stand still on the volleyball court, staring at Michael.

"Explain why exactly you're here?" I ask.

He laughs. "H- my boss wanted me to be here."

"Why?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I dunno. I just listen to her coMmands- crap."

I shake my head. "It's not getting better, is it?"

He laughs. "No, it's getting worse. Sometimes it seems to go away, but tHen it - just like that. It just comes back."

I frown under my mask. "Michael, I can -"

"You can't help me," he interrupts. "You know full well that my mind can only be fixed if H- my boss's is as wEll- dam!"

I reach into my cloak and pull out a small syringe. "Michael, please. If I just -"


I raise my hands in a calming gesture. "Michael, don't -"

"MY NAME IS YeW!" He screams before rushing at me. My eyes widen, and I jump to the side, dodging.

His arms close around open air, and he snarls before laughing hysterically.

"It's getting so much WoRse!" He screams.

I step forward. "Yew, I can -"

He snaps his head to look at me. He's crying, and the tears are running down his face, messing up the makeup and magic that's making him look like Clovis.

He lunges again. "I WILL NOT LEAVE MY LaDY!" He screams.

My eye twitches, and I dodge.

"Let Chaos witness that I tried," I whisper.

He screams at the air and turns back to me, emotions flashing across his melted looking face. His eye twitches, and he lunges towards me for the last time. I stand still. Right as he's about to latch onto me, my hand shoots forward.

A sickening CRUNCH is heard. He suddenly stops moving and looks down in shock. My hand is in his chest, grasping his heart.

He laughs and looks at me. "Screw you, Prometheus."

"I tried, Michael. I'll fix you and Hemera someday, I promise." I say.

He nods and looks down. "Only one thing left to do now, right?" He asks.

I nod. "You know the drill. Will Clovis be returned?"

"Yeah," he says, before looking up at me, sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to come back here, Prometheus. Make it quick?"

I nod. "Of course."

I suddenly squeeze, and his heart is crushed, a massive BOOM resounding across the camp. I retract my arm from his chest, and his body falls to the ground.

He smiles as he dissipates, turning back into light, heading back to Hemera so she can inevitably bring him back.

"Wha- what just happened!?" Lou yells.

I turn around. "You witnessed what happens when a Primordial goes insane. Their troops and soldiers slowly follow them. As I said, Michael is Hemera's top lieutenant."

"Y-you killed him!" Clarisse says.

I nod. "True. I crushed his heart, and he died. But don't worry. He turned back into light, and Hemera will rebuild his body from it."

Jonathan looks like he's about to speak but is interrupted by Clovis appearing in the air and falling on him. He lands heavily on the ground.

"Wha- get off me, you sleeping oaf!" Jonathan yells.

Clovis snorts and looks up, his eyes droopy. "Was happening? Oh, hi, Hope."

I nod to him. "Hello."

"Gerrof me!" Jonathan yells.

Clovis looks down at Jonathan.

"Okay," he says. He rolls off Jonathan and falls back asleep on the grass.

Jonathan grumbles and stands up. "Stupid sleepy oaf."

Clovis snorts and opens an eye, then lazily points at Jonathan, who suddenly passes out and slams into the ground, at the complaint of nobody.

I clap my hands. "Well, that was interesting, but -"

Rachel suddenly doubles over.

My eye twitches. "Oh, you've gotta be -"

"The Hunters travel away
Hunting for the Ocean's turbulence
On the strange bay
One of them takes the rinse
A new promise made
Causes one to be swallowed by darkness
The swallower suddenly afraid
And then past tense."

"Well," Annabeth says. "That's -"

She's interrupted by Artemis, Luke, and Orpheus running towards us.

Orpheus falls to the ground and sucks in as much air as he can.

"OhmyChaos, I'm not used to running that much," he says breathlessly.

Luke and Artemis look at him.

"Really dude?" Luke asks. "Your power is like, literally singing. How are you out of breath?"

Artemis looks at Luke. "With that said, how are you not on the ground too? It's a long run."

He shrugs. "My whole thing is super speed, so I have really good running endurance."

He turns to me. "What happened?"

My eye twitches under my mask. "Clovis was actually Michael, I sent him back to Hemera, and then Rachel issued another prophecy."

Annabeth speaks up. "We should really -"

I raise my hand in a stop gesture. "Nope. We'll worry about the prophecy tomorrow. Today we can worry about Capture the Flag."

She opens her mouth, but Luke rubs his hands together and speaks first. "Ooh, Capture the Flag? Who's against who?"

I laugh. "Us vs. The Romans, Greeks, and Hunters."

Artemis crosses her arms. "Are you laughing because you're sure you'll win?"

I nod. "I don't like being cocky, but... you guys aren't winning."

She raises an eyebrow. "Really? Would you, by any chance, like to bet on that?"

I nod. "Absolutely."

"Good." She says. "If I win, you must... cook for me and the Hunters for the next three months. Only 5 star meals."

I laugh. "Miss my cooking?"

She gets a faraway look in her eyes and starts to drool before shaking her head. "No! I mean... yes. It's really good."

"I know, right?" Luke says. "When he makes blue coo- cupcakes, they're perfect."

Artemis nods. "Agreed. Now, Hope, what will I do if you and your group somehow win against us?"

I pretend to think for a moment. "Hmm, I wonder, whatever should I - oh yeah! If I win, you have to..."

I take a deep breath.

"Tell Zeus that we're together."

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt