Chapter 44: A meeting. (And a threat.)

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Sirens. They wailed nonstop around his ears, the only things coming through. Everything else was unimportant. The officer next to him trying to tell him to leave and the news reporter speaking into a camera might as well have not been there.

He just looked at the smoldering remains. Quietly grieving, tears flowing down his face. He managed to stand up and turn around. He stared into the eyes of Hermes.

"Thank you. For... for letting me see the memory," he said quietly.

Hermes nodded. "It's the least I could do, Percy."


Percy walked through Olympus quietly, lost in a memory. As he walked by, people would go quiet. It wasn't every day a Primordial walked through Olympus. Especially one that emanated such power, without even trying.

He reached the throne room doors and pushed them open, interrupting something that Athena was saying, which clearly annoyed her. He walked into the middle of the room and yawned as the doors banged shut behind him.

"So... why was I called here?" He said in a bored tone.

Ares growled. "Remember who you're talking to, punk."

Percy raised an eyebrow at him (although he couldn't see it).

"And who is that? The famous Olympians?" Percy asked sarcastically.

Ares nodded. "That's right. Give us respect."

Percy just shook his head and turned back to Zeus. "Why was I called?" He asked again.

Zeus looked down at him. "We have been discussing you for the past while and have decided that we must talk to you in person."

Percy groaned. "About what?"

"Whether or not we can trust you," Zeus said.

Percy stared at him silently for a couple of moments.

"You can't be serious," he finally said. "I killed Kronos. Does that not guarantee my trust?"

"It would, but your... show in the arena made us question," Zeus responded.

"Right. That. Alright, look," Percy said as he put his hands out. "All primordials go through that. It's a process we just call our evolution. It's for changes and boosts, as well as new domains."

Athena leaned forward, hungry for information. "What do you mean?"

Percy sighed. "Well, when I went through it, I gained what is as far as I can tell a permanent ponytail, a third eye on my forehead, and the domain of space."

Apollo tilted his head. "Space?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. Like how one of your domains is the sun? One of mine is Space. The other is Hope. But you already knew that."

Apollo nodded in understanding.

"All primordials go through that?" Zeus asked. "And all end up trying to obliterate -"

"Yes," Percy interrupted. "That happens to all primordials. It's why Chronos has a clock for a face, and Eros has bright pink hair and wings."

"My son doesn't have pink wings," Aphrodite said in confusion.

"The primordials," Percy clarified.

"Right," Zeus said, closing the talk. "We're getting off track. We called you here so you could pledge your allegiance to us."

Percy stated at him, dumbfounded, while most of the gods winced.

"I'm sorry?" Percy asked.

"We called you here to -"

"Right right right right right," Percy said, waving his arms. "I heard you, I just- sorry, why the hell do you think I would do that?"

Zeus let his hand rest on his master bolt. "To prove your trust. I- we can not let you have free reign on Earth without something keeping you in check."

Percy looked around the room at the wincing gods in disbelief, then turned back to Zeus.

"You're joking, right?" He asked.

Zeus closed his hand around his master bolt. "I won't ask again, Hope. You are dangerous. You -"

Percy flipped him off. "I'm as dangerous as you make me. Do you really think I would attack the gods? You do realize that there are gods on this council that I like, or that are my parents."

Zeus suddenly leaned forward with interest. "You're a demigod of the Council?"

Percy froze and then cursed. "Dam."

Athena immediately brought her hand up, tapping her chin. "Who's child would he be?"

Zeus looked him up and down before sighing. "As much as I wish he was mine, none of mine would be so aggressive towards me."

Percy glared at him while Athena continued to ponder. "Hasn't built anything, nor has shown great tactical ability..."

Percy slumped his shoulders, knowing he would have to reveal himself if he wanted to leave. Zeus grabbed his master bolt and picked it up, showing it to him.

"As I was saying before, you distracted me... I will not ask you. However. Should you accept, we shall give you -"

Percy took off his mask and hood, staring directly at Zeus. Many of the gods froze in shock, while others just dropped their jaws.

"You can bet your master bolt that I'm not making a stupid oath. You don't and won't have control over me," he said angrily.

Zeus grumbled and sat back in his seat, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Meeting adjourned."

The gods instantly flashed out, except for Poseidon and Zeus.

"Percy," Poseidon said. "I would like it if you could come visit me in the ocean. Amphitrite would like to see you."

Percy nodded. "Of course, Dad."

Poseidon smiled and flashed away. Percy turned around to leave and began walking. He was halfway to the door when the temperature dropped. He stopped moving.

"Perseus Jackson..." Zeus said. "I'm surprised Artemis chose you. What did she see in the upstart and arrogant son of Poseidon?"

"What do you mean?" Percy asked without turning around.

Zeus picked the top of his master bolt, causing sparks. "I've seen your interactions. I know that you're dating. I don't like it."

Percy took a deep breath. He lifted his foot and turned around, softly taking a small step forward toward Zeus. The moment his foot touched the ground, it cracked and formed a small crater. He put his mask on.

"If you try to take Artemis from me," Percy said quietly. "I will destroy you and your throne."

"You're still just the upstart son of Poseidon," Zeus said. "No matter what you gained, who you befriended, or how you go to where you are now, that's the Percy Jackson you are at heart. An upstart. And I'm not scared of that."

Percy looked at him with deadly calm as intense power started to emanate from him.

"No, I'm not that Percy Jackson anymore. That Percy Jackson is gone. Both your sons helped kill him," Percy said.

Zeus narrowed his eyes. "You don't -"

Percy snapped his fingers, and Zeus instantly felt like he was on his deathbed. He doubled over on his throne and fell off of it, clutching his stomach in intense pain.

"You might not be scared of me, Zeus, but if you ever try to take something I love, I will make sure you suffer," Percy threatened.

Percy flashed purple a couple of times and then disappeared, leaving behind an angry and no longer hurt Zeus, as well as a cracked floor.

(A/N: Happy New Year!)

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