Chapter 83: Morning. (Desert)

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Zoe woke up with a groan, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Beside her, Bianca slept peacefully, one arm still wrapped around Zoe's waist. Luke wasn't in his usual spot. Zoe smiled and slowly lifted her girlfriends arm off her, placing it back on the bed and hopping off. She rummaged through her drawer and pulled out some clothes before tugging them on and walking out of her room.

She walked softly through the hallway, passing by some of her friends' rooms. She trudged down the stairs and entered the kitchen, grabbing a cold donut from the fridge. Then she turned and walked to the counter, sitting down on it and taking a bite out of her bagel.

She reached into her cloak and pulled out a small red ball, placing it on the table.

"Open communications."

The ball began to click and spin, and then grew three spindly legs before standing up. On top of it, a small hologram flickered into existence, showing Chaos's office. The office was orderly, with neat stacks of paperwork and mission mementos on shelves and cabinets. Chaos was nowhere to be found, and a stray bottle of wine rolled slowly on the ground.

Zoe frowned and picked up the ball, placing it back in her cloak as Luke walked down the stairs. He froze as he saw her gaze on him, and he slowly tried to take a step back.

"Nope," Zoe said. "You're not doing that. Where were you?"

Luke sighed and walked to the counter, sitting down next to Zoe. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Zoe asked.

"Just trust me," Luke said. "I can't tell you."

Zoe shrugged. "Alright. But when Bianca wakes up and finds both of us missing, I'm blaming you."

"That's fair," Luke said as he plucked the donut from Zoe's hand and took a bite. "Mm. This is good," he said, pieces of donut still in his mouth.

Zoe scoffed and swiped the donut away from him, shoving it in her mouth. "Go geht your own!"

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Why do that, when I can.."

He leaned toward her mouth and puckered his lips when the door slammed open, shocking them both. He yelped and flew backward, falling onto his butt with a thump. Zoe stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. Wiping a tear from her eye, she swallowed her donut and looked at the door. Nico stood in the doorway, trying not to laugh, and Jonathan stood behind him nervously.

Zoe raised an eyebrow. "You need to remember to knock."

"Sorry," Nico said. "May we come in?"

Luke grabbed the counter and pulled himself up before staring at the two demigods.

"Alright," he said with a sigh as he stood all the way up. "Come on in. I'll get the team."
Hyacinthus rubbed his eyes. "Why are we here?" He slurred, wishing to return upstairs to his boyfriend in bed.

Luke had woken everyone up, and they all sat around the counter, eating various breakfasts. Calypso was on the third floor, working on Leo and Icarus. Luke pointed his granola bar at Jonathan, who was sitting at the counter next to Nico.

"We're here cause of him."

"Right," Ethan said, looking Jonathan up and down. "How are you taking the whole 'coming back to your body' thing?"

"Uh," Jonathan said, fidgeting his hands. "Well enough, I guess?"

"Why did you wake us up?" Patroclus asked.

"I figured it'd be better to--"

The door slammed open, and Orpheus stumbled inside with Eurydice, both looking exhausted.

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