A/N: Part 1 is over! (Info dump)

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Hello, the author is here to speak, and make announcements. I'm not great at them, so please bear with me.

Part 1 of this story is over! We are about 1/3 of the way done, so by the time we're finished, it will be a bit longer than an average novel. Cool!

As you probably were able to tell, I started to stop writing from Percy's perspective, and from present tense.

Why? Mainly because I'm still learning how to write. Third person past tense makes it easier to tell a story and give hints to greater things.

Expect most chapters to be written that way in the future. Oh, also, no more journal entries!

The journal chapters do worse, and as far as I'm concerned, are no longer needed to convey past information.

Because they really were just exposition.

I've noticed that some fics have Playlist that the creator made for them. If you want one of these, let me know.

Now for the info dump part. Characters original powers won't be included, as readers will most likely know already.

First things first: Characters, powers, and codenames.

Percy is Hope, and, to be honest, is the main character. So...

Luke is Hero, and has superspeed.

Zoe is Huntress, and has super increased senses, as well as invisibility.

Bianca is Skull, and she can radiate incredibly intense fear.

Charles is Forge (I know, unoriginal,) and is incredibly skilled at building/crafting. He can build like literally almost anything if he wants.

Silena is Dove (sue me,) and her charmspeak works on almost everyone. She can also summon doves and sense emotions.

Ethan is Pirate. He has his basic good fighting skills. However, he gets better and better at fighting someone depending on what they did in the past. For example, he would lose against someone who was good all their life, whereas someone like Annabeth would lose in seconds.

Orpheus is Lyre. His music skills were boosted massively, to the point where he could probably control an army with a single strum or two.

Hyacinthus doesn't have a codename. He has control over air, because irony.

Achilles is Red. He is completely invulnerable. The only people who can hurt him are Patroclus, Percy, Chaos, and Order. And maybe some other primordials.

Patroclus is Heart. His healing magic and prowess are unmatched.

Bellerophon is Seashell. He has metal and rock control, due to being the adoptive son of Gaea. He is also a horse friend.

Icarus is Wings. He can make his body transform into any material it touches. He has Imperial gold wings attached to his back at all times. They are connected to his body, essentially just other limbs.

Orion is Arrows, and never misses his shot.

Lee is Heatwave, and has heat and light control.

Castor is Gemivine (gemini and vines), and he has incredibly powerful plant control. Gem for short.

Theseus is Clubber, and has super strength. He can destroy the strongest materials in the universe, and permanently damage immortal beings with his strength.

Calypso is Ogygia, because irony. Her power in magic and spells is massively increased.

Leo is Screwbolt, who has metal and rock control, as well as having fire control strong enough to teleport through and become it.

Nico and Will don't have extra powers. But, their already existing powers are buffed.

Now, onto the prophecies. For some reason, I thought I worte more than these. Please tell me if I missed one.

Four children of Chaos rise
Wanting their fathers prize
One is a traitor to their cause
Making everything take a pause
Another will turn to his brother
And get back in the graces of his other

The hated one returns
Bypassing his many burns
Those thought to be lost
Return with barely any cost
And if Hope never dies
He will shake many from the lies
With his team by his side,
Will he make it through the ride?

The cloaked one goes back
To his old, old pack
He must fight and kill
But not for the thrill
The ones who scarred him
Will have to push through his dim
The one he failed to save
Will return to help the ways pave
The one he loves
Will not lose her doves
And an exploding star
Will save everyone from evils char

The Hunters travel away
Hunting for the Ocean's turbulence
On the strange bay
One of them takes the rinse
A new promise made
Causes one to be swallowed by darkness
The swallower suddenly afraid
And then past tense.

Yeah okay, they're not good, but I just tried to rhyme words. Is there really a problem with that?

Now, I think that's all for the info dump.

I don't have much else to say. Sorry. I'm not great at author notes.

Thank you so much for reading! You don't know how much it means to me.

Now, I really love interaction, so... if you would be willing, I would love to hear your theories about where the story is heading and what will happen.

I can't really confirm or deny anything, but I would appreciate it lots.

And, of course, it's completely optional.

Goodbye and goodnight!

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