Chapter 47: Information obtained! (As well as food)

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Zoe was staring directly into the face of Percy Jackson.

She instantly jumped back off of the stool and nocked her bow, firing it directly at his face as her cloak fluttered around her. He caught the arrow in two fingers, dropping the dish he was holding. He looked at Artemis, annoyed.

"Literally one of the only rules was that you couldn't- wait."

He turned to look at Zoe. "I thought you were dead?"

Zoe nocked another arrow. "A lot of people thought that."

He lightly set the arrow on the counter and turned back around to the sink. "Don't bother trying to hit me again. It won't work."

"Oh yeah?" She asked, pulling the string back to her face. "And why's that?"

He tilted his head so she could see one of his eyes. It glinted dangerously. "I know everything about you. Including your attacks."

Her bow dipped slightly. "What are you talking about?"

He turned his head back to the sink and picked up a new dish. "Sit down. Let's talk."

Zoe hesitated for a moment, but Artemis nodded to her, signaling to her that it was okay. Reluctantly, she sat back down. In the living room, the sound of a dying character and a frustrated hunter rang out.

"So," Zoe said. "Why do you look like Percy?"

The man set aside the dish and picked up the last one in the sink. "Well... it's because -"

He suddenly paused, as if someone talked to him, and then asked a question himself.

"Actually, first, Artemis told me that you were dead. How are you back?"

"Chaos brought me back," Zoe said bluntly.

The man actually stumbled in surprise. "He- she- Chaos what?"

Zoe nodded with a somewhat smug smile, happy that she had caught the man off guard.

He turned and looked at her as if she were crazy. "This is one of those w - hold on."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe I wasn't informed of this," he muttered to himself. "No, I didn't ask, but - ugh, we'll speak later," he said to seemingly no one.

Zoe cleared her throat. "Anyway, yeah. That's how I'm back."

The man nodded, eyed still closed in frustration, before popping open.

"I need to go talk to my boss," he said.

Artemis opened her mouth, but he disappeared before she could say anything.

"Crud," She muttered.

Zoe turned to her. "What is happening?"

Artemis shrugged. "I dunno. He tends to be pretty cryptic, so -"

The man appeared again, right in the spot he had been standing.

"My boss just laughed at me," he said as he grabbed the last dish and continued to dry it.

"Who's your boss?" Zoe asked.

The man finished drying the dish and set in in a cupboard. "That's really none of your business. You said Chaos brought you back?"

Zoe nodded. "Yeah."

"Why?" The man asked.

She hesitated to answer. "My... my friend is one of his children, and also the leader of his main attack force, which I'm part of."

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