Chapter 67: Training with the companions. (Gaea is drunk)

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Percy groaned and sat up, bringing his hand to his throbbing head. He checked the clock and yawned, getting off the bed. It was the morning, and he had to get up.

"Great, he's finally awake," Majesta hissed. "Maybe he'll finally let us do our own stuff."

"C'mon, he's been through a lot," Carl said. "And we are at his old camp. You can't blame him for not wanting us to roam wild. We'd break stuff."

"Besides, he still gives us food," Yarn said. "That's important."

"Food is the best!" Mrs. O'Leary chipped in.

Blackjack whinnied. "Sweets are better."

Percy chuckled as he walked out the door, putting his mask on while his cloak fluttered around him. "I can hear you all, you know?"

"Then let me go!" Maj hissed. "I'm bored!"

"Hm..." Percy said, walking towards the arena. "Alright, I've got an idea. You all want some time to let loose?"

"Yes!" All the companions said at once.

"Perfect," Percy said as he walked into the arena for training.
Annabeth POV: [Yeah, it's back]

I'm discussing possible strategies foe the war with Jason when Hope walks into the arena.

"Alright, everyone," he calls out, getting everyone's attention. "Training today will be different than normal."

I softly elbow Hazel, who's standing next to me and staring at the ground. She looks up towards Hope.

"If you don't mind me asking," I ask, speaking up. "What's going to be different?"

Hope's third eye locks onto me and shifts into a deep, bloody red, a color that makes me shiver. Gods, how I want him to - no, don't think thoughts like that.

"You're going to be fighting real creatures today," he says. "It will be practice against the monsters you will have to face."

"What creatures?" Jason asks. "You can't just let monsters into camp."

Hope nods. "Correct. Thankfully, I have the creatures you will fight on me."

Nico, who's on the other side of the arena and holding hands with Will, looks around.

"Where?" He asks.

"Great question," Hope says. His cloak begins to flutter around him, and then seems to meld into his skin. The armor pieces he wears under his cloak come to the front, and then he casually takes off his gauntlet.

He follows by taking off his boots, his chestplate, his leggings, and his shoulder plate. Holding the pieces in his arms, he tosses them to the middle of the arena, where no one is standing.

From the armor pieces, giant monsters burst into existence. A giant, gelatinous Orb with tentacles and a circular mouth full of teeth, a stunningly magnificent dragon, a massive purple snake, a big, snarling familiar hellhound, and an extremely familiar black Pegasus all stand in the middle of the arena, looking at different people.

Thankfully, the creatures don't seem to be nearly as big as they were when Hope fought Kronos, but they are still massive. The snake, which is the smallest height wise, was still double the size of me.

I can hear his smile under his mask. "Now, I know it's unfair to just send you into battle against these five, so I'm going to introduce you all."

He disappears and reappears on top of the Orb. "This is Carl. He can dissolve almost anything he wishes for nutrients, and his mouth is incredibly strong teeth. Word of advice? Don't let him catch you."

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Where stories live. Discover now