Chapter 6: Breakfast. (With an Annabeth interruption™)

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Luke POV:

I groan and lift my head from my pillow, holding my head with a hand.

"Aw, f*ck, what did we do last night?" I ask.

Zoe stirs next to me. "You drank a sh1t-ton of alcohol, and then whined about missing Bianca. You should be lucky Nico wasn't with us."

I yawn and stretch my arms. "Yeah, yeah. What's today?"

Zoe yawns as well. "Um, Friday, I think."

Great. It's been a week since we arrived at camp, and training has been going well.

She sits up next to me. "It's Friday that means..."

I leap out of bed, temporarily forgetting my headache. "Breakfast in the cabin! Hell yeah!"

I start rushing around our room, grabbing clothes. Zoe just watches me and waits for me to deliver hers.

I get dressed and give her her clothes, and then kiss her on the forehead and race downstairs.

The rest of the team is at the dining table. Most are absorbed in their own conversation, along with Nico and Will. Percy is cooking, and no one is wearing their mask or hoods yet.

"Well, the hungover finally wakes up. How was last night with Zoe?" Asks a smirking Percy.

I grumble and sit down. "It was great, now could you get rid of my hangover?"

He laughs and walks over, touching me on the forehead with his left hand. My hangover disappears, and he returns to cooking.

"Percy, you can heal people?" Will asks.

Percy adds food coloring to some batter and replies, "No, but... Do you know how people around Camp have been complaining about a purple snake?"

"Yeah, why?" Will asks, nodding.

"That snake is one of my friends. She can turn into an armored sleeve and glove. With the glove, I can heal or poison people, along with turning them to stone if need be," Percy responds.

Will thinks for a moment, and Nico says, "That sounds like Medusa and her sisters."

Percy laughs as he sprinkles chocolate chips into the batter. "A couple of her species fell to earth, and were Athena's inspiration for that trio."

Will nods his head along with Nico, not bothering to question it. Zoe walks down the stairs (A/N: Rooms are on the second floor of the cabin house) and sits next to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So, are you to a couple?" Asks Nico, raising an eyebrow.

Percy laughs as he pours the batter onto the griddle. "No, they're a throuple."

Will looks at me. "You're poly?"

I nod along with Zoe.

"So, who's the third one?" Asks Nico with a teasing smile.

I smirk and say, "Bianca."

Will and Nico both fall silent, and then Nico coughs. "Repeat that, please?" He asks.

"Me, Zoe, and Bianca are in a poly relationship," I reply.

Nico slowly turns towards Percy, who is not meeting his eyes.

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT MY SISTER WAS BACK?" He shouts as he stands up and slams his hands on the table.

"Woah, in my defense, Neeks, she's not here right now. I was gonna tell you when you got back," Percy says, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

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