Chapter 17

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[Name] pov:

"Blue Lock will win this." I muttered as the game restarted. Isagi started with the ball and passed it to me.

"Hiori!" I shouted.

"Right here!" He responded.

Our formations changed me and Hiori will pass the ball to each other and avoid each players that try to steal the ball.

"I finaly got the chance to play with you. Now I think I understand everyones obsession over ya." He said while avoiding Haru.

"Obsession?" I questioned as he chuckled.

"Don't tell me you haven't notice how the others are staring at you."

"Well I don't pay much attention with my surrowndings." I said nonchalantly while I passed the ball to him. He then laughed at my answer.

"Your distracted!" Haru shouted doing a slide tackle but Hiori dodged and passed the ball to me.

"Nope. Let me tell you a secret... when it comes to me and [Lastname]'s chemical reaction it means we're unstopable." I laughed in respons. Darai tried to steal the ball from me but I did a roulette and passed the ball to Nagi.

"Sorry Rin-kun! Nagi's more open!" I said.


The score was 3-2. Shidou was able to score one point. Barou was subbed in, the game was still going and I had the ball. Three players then surrowneded me.

"It's over princess, you can't get past the three of us." Darai said but I kept my usual expression.

"I don't need to get past you." I said and did a sniper shot towards Isagi. "Cuz your there aren't you? Egoist."

"Nice pass Shadow Striker." Just as Isagi was about to score Barou stole it making my eyes widen. And with that Barou kicked the ball into the net scoring our third point. I then ran towards Barou and jumped on his back.


"Ugh! Get get off me princess!" He said and pushed me off his back. Just as I was about to pout, Isagi, Nagi and Karasu jumpped on him.

"GET OFF ME BASTARDS!!" He then threw Nagi on the ground, making me sweat drop and sigh in relief that he didn't do that to me.

"You ok Nagi?" I asked while helping him get up. Someone then swung an arm around my shoulder. It was Karasu.

"Now time to talk about ya! Yer able to perform an amazin' pass, even though your surronded by three players! Are realy a geniues princess?" He said while bringing me closer.

"This 'princess' will always find a way to beat the shit out of the U-20." I responded while pointing at myself as Karasu laughs at my respons.

"To me..." we then looked at Barou as he pointed his thumb towards himself. "Rin is just... another Isagi." He finished.

"Alright, that's more messed up then I could've imagined." Karasu said, his arm is still around my shoulder.

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