Y/N Stats + Egoist bible

478 17 5

Dribble: S

Passing: S

Defence: A

Speed: S

Ofence: B

Shoot: A

{♡Egoist Bible♡}

Age: 17 (Second Year High School)

Birth place: Tokyo

Weapons: ball control, long distance pass, dribbling, misdirection, meta vision.

Family Composition: Mother, Father, Little brother and Herself.

Height: 170cm (5.7)

Shoe size: 24cm

Blood type: (I'll leave it to you guys)

Dominant leg: Right

Favorite soccer player: Lavinho (I like how he's so good at dribbling.)

Age started playing soccer: 5 year old. (But was forced to stop since hakuho didn't have a soccer club, until Reo invited her.)

Motto: (depends if you guys have one)

What I think my strengths are: Being Invisible to everyone but still good at supporting my friends.

What I think are my weakness: Being alone again.

Favorite food: (you guys decide)

Disliked food: (you guys decide)

Hobby: Drawing and listening to music. (This are my hobbies but you guys can add your own.)

Favorite season: Autumn (I like the quiet sound when it gets cold.)

Favorite song: (you guys decide)

Favorite animal: Black Cat. (You guys can change it if you want.)

Favorite subjects: English and Arts.

Disliked subject: Math and Science. (I get confuse every time, but I still get good scores.)

What would make you happy?: Getting a pat on the head and telling me that I did a good job.

What would make you sad: Losing all my memories and not remembering Reo and Nagi.

Ideal type: Someone who is smart or someone who looks smart.

Number of valentines chocolate last year: Many. (I don't know why, but maybe some people notice me.)

Sleeping time: 8.5 hours.

What do you wash first in the bath?: My hair.

What do you buy at convinience stores?: Pudding. (I like pudding)

Mushrooms or bamboo shoots: Mushrooms

What made you cry recently: Thinking that I won't be able to remember Reo and Nagi if I hit my head hard again.

How old are you when you stopped recieving gifts from santa?: My family didn't belive in santa.

What would you do in your last day on earth?: See Reo and Nagi smile one last time.

What would you do when you recieve 100 million yen?: I would use it just to spoil my little brother.

How would you spend your day off?: Play soccer with my little brother or spend time with Reo and Nagi if they have time.


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