Chapter 7

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[Name] pov:

The game ended with the score of 9-0. Nagi scored the 7th and 8th goal while i scored the last with Reo assissting us. And we immediately used our 3 goals at the goal bonus system to get our phones.

I was laying down on my stomach playing games with Nagi ontop of me also playing. Reo then punch the futon.

"This futon is so hard." Reo complained. "If the quality of my bed at home is S-teir then the futon we have here is F-teir. Their more suitable for dead bodies than people. Hey, Nagi, [Name] since I helped you guys get your phone back then how about help me get the 'high quality bed' bonus next?" Reo asked. (More like demanding us.)

"Eh... that sound's like a pain. Why don't you ask Ba-ya to get it for you?" Nagi asked.

"Ba-ya's not here." Reo reminded the albino-haired male.

"I'll help you Reo..." I said looking at him as he smiled and thank me.

[At Blue Lock Cafetiria]

I was eating some ramen(or anything you like) ignoring all the chaos that Reo made, I then notice Zantetsu and called him. "Hey Zantetsu! Want to eat with me? Reo and Nagi are busy and it's alway's good to have some company right?" I said as Zantetsu looked at me and sat down beside me. "Sure I could use some company, by the way where's smarty pants?" He asked.

"Oh, you mean Reo? He's right over there." I said pointing with my thumb behind me. And he looked at the direction I was pointing at.

"There's still plenty of hamburger steak left!! Whoever wants some raise your hand!!! Reo said with a dark aura making every one go crazy. 'Reo's scary.' I thought looking at them. Suddenly Zantetsu spoke up.

"Pipe down so I can eat in peace, your petty tricks won't work on me. Mikage Reo." Zantetsu exclaimed.

"Oh? You want to join the nagotiations too don't you, Zantetsu? You've gotta be sick and tired by yakisoba by now." Reo said.

"Hmph! Your taunts are meaningless! Yakisoba is the best!" Zantetsu fought back as they started bickering. I couldn't handle it any more so I just walked away with my empty tray. 'Good thing i'm finished eating so I won't deal with them.' I thought in my mind walking out of the cafiteria and took a bath at my personal bathroom.

[The day of the match between Team V vs Team W at the changing room.]

"In the next game we're facing Team W! Like us they won their first game. The core of their team is... The Wamina Brothers! If we can stop these two we'll definitely win!" Reo exclaimed. "We'll set up an offence with me at the center! Just like we trained, position yourselves to split up the two brothers! Alright!? Our ultimate goal is to get high quality beds for everyone! Let's shut them out 60-0!!" Reo shouted which made everyone cheer.

"Reo's amazing..." Nagi commented beside me while looking at the chaos.

"Yeah, it's like he made a cult around himself..." I responded with a nod.

[At the field]

"Let's continue our hot steak, Nagi! [Name]!" Reo said while he tied his hair.

"Since the teams united now, you guy's don't need me right?" Nagi asked.

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