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Heeseung was staring at the girl who was standing infront of him , who had sharp eye and also wearing full black dress with white inner shirt, her whole appearance scream dominance

She introduce herself, " shin Ryu-jin, but you can call me Ryujin and

She introduce herself, " shin Ryu-jin, but you can call me Ryujin and

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She lean closer to the brothers and whisper , " play along "

Both boys were confused what do you mean play along, we were not in any kind of playground"

Like she know what both were thinking , "don't be sassy " whisper and sat beside heeseung , now heeseung was sitting between his hyung and Ryujin

Jk and hee dunno what she was playing, but they feel that she was not bad girl , even if she didn't smile once .

She sat while crossing her leg , " I have seen heeseung while he was working in cafe for few times , even he was rich , he was down to earth " heeseung huffs I don't have any other choice .

" I want to know him , before asking him, I want his parents and his hyung permissions to court him "

Heeseung give side eye to her , courting me , did she know I am not some kind omega or alpha .

Ryujin shift completely towards heeseung they both were sitting face to face , " I want to know you "but I don't want to , she was giving signal to play along , she hold his hand and whisper , " I will explain it later "

Heeseung ask his hyung's opinion , " play along , she didn't give any negative vibe , also just now I searched about her on social media , she had no black mark there , she was completely a independent business women , who has enough money on her own for her next generation also , so she was not going after you for some money . Which I don't have , but I didn't said it loud to my hyung.

we can know later , what she was up to ,but not infront our parents and I have seen some pictures of her with another person on online , so you was safe with her "

Heeseung took a deep breath, " you can "
Ryujin had smirk on her face , she turn towards our parents , " then it settled we are going to try it out " does she know only to smirk ?, does she dunno something like smile . But anyway it's not my face or any of my business to judge her .

Then she turn towards him , " are you free ?can I take you out today "

Heeseung with some hesitation , he replies , " I am free , you can take me out today "

" Perfect , I know you was not staying with your parents so can you send me your home address for me later "

" Sure "

Mrs. Jeon - Lee , was flabbergasted, how did everything went smoothly without any drama ? But anyway she was happy with the outcome .

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