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Heeseung slowly enter inside his home , before he can take another step , he was cornered by jay .

" where have you been , to be this late " questions jay will cornering heeseung to the wall , took a sniff from heeseung neck " whose sent these ?, which were all over your body " . can't these people talk like a normal human being to me , one was carrying me like my weight was nothing to him ,  now other one cornering me , he sighs .

Heeseung standing between wall and jay , jay hands were placed on the wall near his head.

" Cafe , -  beomgyu and I.N's scent " stammer with his word because of Jay's closeness .

Jay narrowed his eye to him , " 1 AM now" .

Heeseung gulps his saliva , which was forming because of jays proximity , jay saw the moment of throat going up and down , without second thought he nibble heeseung throat , surprised by the  sudden action from jay he stumble , he did not fall thank to the wall .

Heeseung dunno what was happening with jay , why he was biting and sucking his throat and neck , also he realise jay was senting him , his eye widened and try to push him but jay held his both hand and hold it above his head .

He try to wiggle out of his hold but it had no use , jay was equally strong as him may be more than him , he sighs and stopped wiggle and gone plaint under his hold .

After senting him , jay was satisfied with his work , he duno why the sudden feel of  possessiveness towards heeseung after smelling other alpha sent all over him .

He release his hold on heeseung wrist , saw heeseung had his eyes closed , lips were slightly parted and panting softly .

Jay slightly smirk seeing heeseung like this

" Stop this creepiness and ask him , did he had his dinner " asked his inner alpha J .

Hearing him his smirk were wiped of from his face .

" I am not being creepy , ok " jay defend himself . But he got silence as a answer.

Jay tapped heeseung on his waist , sensing the touch on his waist heeseung opened his eye , he dunno what to do , before he can ask something, jay beat him

" Had your dinner ?" jay question , he walk straight towards kitchen , cabinet opening and closing sound were heard like he know the answer for  his question, but any how heeseung answers

" Not hungry "

" Don't care , come and eat what I made for you "

They were having their breakfast , every one sitting with their partners and enjoying their food which was cooked by jay with the help of sunghoon , heeseung was sitting alone . He was in his own world , not caring about his surroundings and minding only his food .

He try to start a small conversation with them , but his words were fall on deaf ears , so he stop trying to make small conversation with them .

Message sound heard , every gaze were on him for few seconds then they gone back to eating .

Heeseung took his mobile out of his pocket and saw the message , seeing the message he froze on his seat .

Meet me in our home

Our home , when was the last time he felt like home in his own home , maybe never , if not his hyung .

Now also , No , how are you - just straight to the matter , not even asking did he have time to meet her , just she was ordering him to come , that's it . what else he can accept from her , sighs

But , what does she need now from me , after treating her own son as a maid in their own house .

He got another message , now what she want ?

Message was not her , but it was from his hyung , the only one person who loved him in his house , but he was not in house most of the when he was mistreated by their own parents , hyung was studying outside and staying in his own dorm with his other friends. But when he was at house he will keep him safe from their parents .

Jk hyung
I will take you to home ,
don't go alone . Something
they were playing ,
so be ready at
Morning, I am taking
You there

Baby deer
How do you know,
That mom was asked
Me to meet her ?

Jk hyung
Mom , asked me also
to come there but
I refused to come ,and I
Know her next easy
target will be you ,she won't
ask you , but she will
Order you to come and I
Had some hunch
What was going to
Happen so I can't
Leave you alone there

Baby deer
Oh , thnx hyung for
Coming there with me

Jk hyung
Ok baby , I am going
Now, be ready tomorrow

What was they planing to do with me now ?

Can't they leave me alone after they basically disown me .

He saw boys were there own word , he thought to say to them that he was going to meet his parents , but he didn't .

Now a days , mostly night time only they will come to realise that he was not at home , before that he will come so there is no reason to inform them . right ?

Lets hope everything will go well for me tomorrow .

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