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"Good luck, Vivy. Have fun today." Ma said with a loving smile as she kissed both my cheeks. Sejanus was already in the car, his leg bouncing with anxiety. The act caught both of

I scoffed mentally. Surely I'll have fun seeing people kill each other. Such fun!

"Love you, Ma." I said before entering the backseats. "I just can't wait to see people die!" I commented, voice laced with sarcasm.

Sejanus didn't spare a glance at me. His eyes were glued to the window, observing the scenery of the Capitol as the car moved. The car ride was silent all the way.


"You might wanna save your brother a seat near the door." The advice came from Casca Highbottom who was standing by the door. My brows furrowed as I attempted to guess the reason why. Nothing came to mind except for Sejanus being defensive for the tributes, which was no big surprise. This was the first time that Sejanus actually paid attention to the games. Every year he would just ignore the existence of it. I saw he determined he was on trying to stop the games, to help the people, but it was no use. He was simply a young eighteen boy, who had no power except for his father's money.

I was surrounded by empty seats. One was supposed to be Arachne's, Felix Ravinstill's was at my right. The others were the mentors that their tributes passed during the bombing. 5 gone, 19 left. Reaper has to be the one getting out.

I looked over at the screens to find Reaper but something more important caught my eye. It was Marcus, Sejanus' tribute. Hanged by his wrists, holding for its dear life. I couldn't imagine how he felt. Being a slave in the districts, being tortured by the Capitol, reaped for the games just to die.

How miserable their life was.

They were made to die.

And it was for our benefit.

Sejanus toppled his table and threw his chair across the hall. "You're monsters! All of you!" He yelled. I could hear his heart shattering at the moment he saw his tribute– classmate all beaten up, hanged, shown to the world what the Capitol was capable of doing.

I was hesitant to catch up with him as he walked out but I had to. I promised to help his tribute but I failed.

"Sej!" I called. He was resting against the wall, hitting his head as punishment. It destroyed me seeing him like this. "Sej, he's not dead. You could still make a difference. You could send something–"

I knew what I said wasn't possible. Marcus was already dead. Even if he did make it out the games, he would be dead instantly. The Capitol wouldn't just let a rebel go.

"He's dead, Vivy! There's nothing I could do. He died because of me, Vivy. Pa bought him because of me. He is suffering in there because of me." He wanted to shout, but couldn't, he had no energy to.

I saw tears flooding down his warm skin. I had nothing else to say. "You go inside, Reaper needs you. I need some space." He whispered. My arms wrapped around his toned body, feeling safe in his touch. I took a step back and slowly walked back inside.

The scene was a whole blood bath, Festus' tribute, Coral and her pack was killing everyone in their sight. My eyes trailed to Reaper's picture on one of the screens. Thank God, he's still there.

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