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THE HALLWAYS WERE EMPTY as I made my way to the front desk

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THE HALLWAYS WERE EMPTY as I made my way to the front desk. "For Dr. Gaul." I said, which came out more like a question than a statement.

Dr. Gaul was certainly not someone you would want to make an enemy of. I've been to her laboratory once, for a school project. I know what she's capable of doing.

I saw Coriolanus from the corner of my eye and I quickly twisted my heel, turning the other way. I didn't want to socialize with him. But unfortunately due to his extremely long legs, he managed to catch up with me.

"Are you avoiding me, Vivy?" It was too late. I couldn't run now. I would be stuck with him all way to the Academy.

"No, why would I?" I scoffed, eyes straight ahead because I knew if I spare even a quick glance at his watercolour eyes, I would get lost. His blue eyes were light like the sky and deep like the ocean. One look at them and they'll drown you. There was also this thing about his eyes that told another story of him. A section of story that he wouldn't say in person.

"Probably because you're jealous."

My head shot up towards him. If only I could knock that smirk imprinted on his lips. "And why would I be... jealous?" The word felt foreign rolling off my tongue like that.

"Because I got the best tribute."

Coriolanus and his egotistical mind were inseparable. He adored power and glory ever since we were kids. But with his late father being the former president, it was no big surprise.

"Your songbird wouldn't last a minute in the arena. What is she going to do? Kill her opponents with her singing?"

"Oh, she might not be tough in the arena but that singing of hers would make the people fall in love with her."

A snort came out as he was busy complimenting his tribute. Lucy Ray? Lucy May? Whatever. He was clearly being controlled by that girl. I don't understand what was so special to her. Apart from her singing, I don't find anything peculiar and eye-catching about her.

"I thought with her charm with the audience and your Reaper's strength, they would be good allies. Maybe, strong enough to defeat Festus' tribute."

"Hell no," I replied. I was not going to be allies with Coriolanus Snow, the most self-centered person in the world. "I don't think Reaper would agree to it. Besides, he already has Dill."

Thank God we reached class before Coriolanus could utter another word. I pushed open the doors and left them close to him, just like he did before. "Think about it, Vivy!" Was all I heard as the doors close, releasing a satisfying melody to my ears. It was the sound of karma.

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