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I mean... She expected this, but still... The swamp Potato grew a backbone.

Bera had been chatting with Finnick and getting ready with the last check-over with the knife pouch and her spear correctly deploying and folding in on itself while he was playing with his trident, the most normal weapon out of every weapon here, it was a simple trident.

They had also given each other them a simple handgun, which 4 and 8 found amusing, the people thinking that it will do anything to help them when neither know how to shoot a gun but they still thanked them while sending amused glances at each other.

Bera sighed, having gotten the speech of Boggs and Jackson a bit earlier since her hovercraft was the first to land with the second part of the team being a few hours away at time time. So she was off with Finnick while Potato and Garlic were given the rundown with the other squad members. The nightlock pill felt heavy in her pocket, like an unwanted weight.

It felt different then dying to combat because it would be taking her own life, something Bera couldn't wrap her head around as her life had been a fight to get away from death and this pill would be jumping in death's maw yourself. Bera literally couldn't fathom why suicide was a thing that existed and always found it confusing people dared to take their own lives, so foreign.

"Hey Finnick?" Bera said.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I know we've never been close, being in different circles and all but will you look after Cecelia if I die? Enobaria doesn't need me to send someone to check on her, she it too hardheaded to accept it anyway but Cecelia only has me since neither of us knew Paloy and V is not truly from 8."

"Why are you saying that? You know invoking death brings it to you."

"I've always lived on the edge of death, even in 8. Starving, beaten, pushed around, fought in the arena, fought after it, fought until today but the weight of it all, I feel it in my bones. No one can keep going on like I do constantly... A normal person would still be in bed from that spear through the chest and since then I've been thrown around many times... I don't know if or when but I might just drop dead."


"All I am saying is that if it were to happen, look out for her. I might not have liked you a lot but I'd do the same, I helped her win once, I can do it again."

"Well if you really want me to say it than I'll give in and say it. I'll take care of Cecelia if anything happens."

"Good. I don't plan on dying but there are always ifs that exist. I did almost lose my life in the 75th when I was confident, better to have a backup plan."

"Whatever you say you psycho."

"Thank you."

"Shut up." Finnick shoved her. "Come on, time for us to catch up with them."

"Nice for you to join us Potato." She looped an arm around the girl with a squeeze. "I see Coin was convinced."

"Yeah, she wants me to kill Snow."

"Not if I get to it first." It was partially a threat, she'd be pissed if Katniss kills him but he'd be dead, something she also wants. "Let the best victor win hmm?" Letting go.

"Sure." She fixed the outfit that Bera messed up.

"Not if I get him before both of you." Finnick joked.

"People, let's get moving we don't have all day." Jackson said.

"Yeah yeah we are coming Anderson."

"My name i--" "I said what I said." Bera cut her off with a look added to it.

"Well ladies and gentlemen!" Finnick threw his arms out, one held towards the smoking and deserted part of the Capitol in front of them. "Welcome to the 76th Hunger Games!"

"And may the odds be ever in your favor." Bera added with a grin that the end was close.

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