-Victory Tour-

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(I will have so many clothes to draw for Bera!!!)

It seemed like stripes and open areas were Bera's signature style.

As simple as this outfit was, her touches to it were evident when comparing them to the tribute parade and the interview outfit.

Sure, there was nothing outstanding about her work boots, but the pants, having a twisting dark green design stitched in them, looked like plants. She even added flowers at the last moment up top it was the same dark green for a crop top, with her shoulders cut out, having long sleeves but just to her elbows, cutting off a bit under it, and wearing black gloves, but these were more out of need then for style, she still made to make them fit.

The gloves had a surface on the palms and fingers, making it easier to grip things as she still struggled to retrain some of the finer movements and just outright strength she was able to put in it.

"Simple but looking nice." She complimented herself with a grin, looking in the mirror after she glued a large fabric flower on the eye patch, perfect. "Let's teach these people how to dress."

She grabbed a little hip pouch of her bed and passed the belt of it in the little hook in her pants to tie it there.

It clashed a bit with the elegance, just like her boots, but who was she to care? She makes her own trends, and people will eat it up in the Capitol, and if they don't... She is not above whacking them across the face with the nearest piece of furniture she can get her hands on.

She opened the pouch, checking if all her sewing supplies were there. She hates the Capitol's stuff, so flimsy, she is bringing her own stuff. More than sure, the peacekeepers already loaded in the fabric she'd bring along.

She had... By quick count... With three a day... Four days to finish what she'd wear to her coronation as a victor. That's enough; she already started on that. It would be a dress this time but different from the parade's.

She walked out of her room as she tied up her hair, knowing the house would be empty. Just locking the front door when she left, to the train she goes.

She greeted Cecelia with a gentle downward nod.

"How are you today?" The woman asked her with a small smile.

"Alive, and that's enough." She walked past her.

"Tell us if one of these episodes comes on, as harsh as it seems, the other districts can't see it."

"As if I'd show them my brain trying to spray out of my skull by its own will." Cecelia cringed at the mental image as she followed the girl, wearing something much more modest, with less skin—Woof, already on the train.

"Please don't say that." She told Bera. "But at least you live up to your bloodline."

"Ayo." Bera held up a shushing finger in front of Cecelia's face. "I might bleed 2, but I'm an 8 like you. I just lived all my life under Valerius. I've grown up differently from you. Death was always an option for me. I know what it feels like, but that doesn't mean I am proud of what I've done. I'm just living my life fully because they died for me to be able to."

Nightmares, oh, did she have nightmares, and they could be agonizing, just getting worse when the knowledge James didn't actually just leave behind a mother and a father but also a sister... Bera just couldn't think about it. It was haunting... That girl is just so young... So many more chances to also get reaped.

But just as she said, they all died so that she could live. She will not let the Capitol beat her down. She needs to live free and thoroughly to make their deaths worth something, worth her life, as she still hasn't found a genuine reason why she felt the need to survive outside of instinct and teachings.

"There, there, cool it. Bera, this doesn't do you any good." Cecelia pushed her finger away from her face.

"Eat my ass." She turned away.

"I'm not gay." The older woman joked while poking her in the side.

"I'll make you, and you'll like it." Bera threatened with the oddest threat the other victor had heard as the younger marched away, and despite the situation, she couldn't help but laugh.


Bera didn't have much trouble reading what V wrote on the cards... She had more trouble with the woman looking like she just exited the cotton candy factory, so much fluff and pink she wondered just who in their right might ever thought of such a design... Bera is about to start a second Hunger Games against the whole of Capitol fashion.

She did spin it a bit tho, saying it her way and her style which, knowing Bera, pissed off the career districts... A lot... She got things thrown at her while Woof dragged her off stage before she could dive bomb someone in the crowd and start a brawl.

The only time she had throwing the card away was district 7 and 4, she only said a simple 'I'm sorry' to 7 as she watched the face of Dawn projected on the fabric screen behind her family, and for 4 she had said nothing, refusing to say a word to the people of that coward that tried to end her in her sleep.

It was tiring but she still worked on her once again simple yet good looking dress the party night at the Capitol.

Exiting the train elbow length dark blue gloves with a black ribbon around each write and with each end left several inches long and tied in a bow on her wrists. A dress with the same color that stopped at the knees with both sides cut open to the point of showing her underwear but just not enough, hugged her body and an open back. A thick black cloth band tied around her throat with a bow in her back and the band hanging low, almost brushing against the ground with just under knee high boots with the slightest of heels cut out since she needed to feel her feet at the end of the night.

The eye patch this time covered with a thick stripe of blue around her head.

For her makeup it was Cecelia that helped with since she isn't the best with it, simply eye shadow fading from blue to black and once again pulled into points in the corners and sadly, she needed blue lipstick too, her hair sprayed with a hint of blue glitter hairspray.

With Bera it is always all out or nothing.

V didn't need to tell her to enjoy the party, Bera would.

She talked to the Capitol citizen, despite her personality she was clearly able to fit in, laugh with them, compliment them, even to the point of actually giving snappy advice about the shitshow their outfit was and they'd laugh, not getting she was insulting them and not joking.

She talked with gamemakers about how shocking the arena was, how thrilling it was, while making them uncomfortable. While they couldn't understand why she did, with simple word promising retribution while all she did was describe what happened from her point of view or what could have happened if she was one of them.

She talked to other victors that came to welcome her into their ranks, quickly gleaning that many thought of this as a curse, that many didn't see it as their duty to love this life others died to give them, seemingly one she and the other careers did tho those didn't really talk to her... She'd have talked to Enobaria, wanting to know what that was while she was training in the tribute center that day but two man barred her way.

"President Snow wants to see you."

"Oh of course he does." She just dismissively grinned. "Lead the way." She set her glass down, hating the taste of the alcoholic sparkly drink anyway, having the two things she hated in it... Alcohol and sparkles, she doesn't get why some people can like these things or mixed them. "Let's not make our dear president wait shall we? Because I might be safe but you aren't." She smiled fully, knowing just from the many gazes between the men that she was unsettling them.

Oh the Capitol will regret ever making her a tribute in the first place.

(Fun fact: Cindy Bishop will be Bera's adult face claim, I am not yet showing you how she looks for those that don't wanna look her up but for those that wanna, feel free. P.s. Cindy Bishop is in her 40ies and it is seen even if she is really pretty, just imagine her a bit earlier when you see the face claim as Bera is not that age)

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