Bang... And not the good type

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(Buuuut just because Gloss is alive doesn't mean that I will not suplex all your hopes and dreams through the concrete with this one chapter. I can't let you get too happy, can I? Prepare for the beatdown, and quite literally, since in the original story, Enobaria was not harmed by the Capitol purely because she was loyal to them in the games and got sent home to 2 and spared... Plus, I have my two victors from two now, too.)

(And yes I still remember fucking up the events but each of them will still happen, I know I sent the rescue ship out before the bombing and Gale was at two places... I will Retcon Gale being in 13 and will change it to Boggs or Finnick but I just don't have the time for that.)

Bera wanted to laugh, show the biggest middle finger to the Capitol.

They had bombed all the way down to the bunker.

They had literally opened the door into a crater so 13 was going back into base by another way as she stepped out with many others.

"Monster." Cecelia's whisper was heard as Bera picked up one of the white roses blanketing the craters walls and probably all of 13's remains.

She twirled the thorny stem between her fingers as the film crew... Well, filmed them.

"We should make a propo to show that we are still alive." Cressida (Cresida? I should learn, someone convinced me to write a fic for her too... I will soon have 12 victors if this goes on because the only other woman left for me to write about it Annie, Cecelia and Cashmere... Clove has a story in the works too but based on the 74th in Paige's fanfic.) said excited by the sudden idea. "Katniss please!"

Bera still looking at the rose, twirling, twirling. A rose is nothing without its thorns.

But Potato was freaking out behind her, gasping for breath suddenly, Haymitch instantly shooting down the idea and guiding her inside, Cecelia using it to head back inside and see if she can be of help.

"I can help, if you tell me what sort of thing you want." Finnick said, the knowledge that somewhere out there is a hovercraft with his Annie was what brought him back to the land of the living.

Roses are edible, many animals easily eat them... Bears trample them.

"Simple, just something to make the faith of the Capitol."

"Than I have the perfect thing."

"Great, stand there, Castor you go there, Polux. Okay Finnick when the light it on you speak."

"Got it." A deep breath was heard. "I am ready."


Bera tilted the rose left and right, opposing the way she turned her head.

"I am Finnick Odair, victor of the 65th and I an standing in 13, alive and well, today with are here to reveal truths that need to be heard. President Snow used to sell me...My body, that is," Finnick begins in a flat, removed tone Bera rarely heard from him. "I wasn't the only one. If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. So you do it." Johanna had met that fate, Bera accepted it way to happily.

"I wasn't the only one, but I was one of the most popular and perhaps the most defenseless, because the people I loved were so defenseless."

Bera was... Was not? She accepted to find herself a reason to live that turned into this savior complex of grandeur. Or was she defenseless too? Snow keeps taking and taking from her, always showing her there was someone else he could take.

"To make themselves feel better, my patrons would make presents of money or jewelry, but I found a much more valuable form of payment. Secrets... And this is where you're going to want to stay tuned, President Snow, because so very many of them were about you. But let's begin with some of the others." Finnick begins to weave a tapestry so rich in detail. Tales of strange sexual appetites, betrayals of the heart, bottomless greed, and bloody power plays. Drunken secrets whispered over damp pillow-cases in the dead of night. 

Finnick, like every desired victor, was someone bought and sold. 

A dirty district slave. 

A handsome one, certainly, but in reality, harmless. 

This boy, who'd he tell and who'd listen? Even so, the victors were always there to gossip and share info. If a bad haircut can lead to hours of gossip, what will charges of incest, back-stabbing, blackmail, and arson produce?

"And now, on to our good President Coriolanus Snow. Such a young man when he rose to power. Such a clever one to keep it. How, you must ask yourself, did he do it? One word. That's all you really need to know. Poison."

Bera given up on listening.

A poisonous rose, how fitting, but hate doesn't care for it.

"And you? Anything to say?"

"Oh I didn't stay out here to be in your propo but if the cameras are here, let them role." Bera shrugged, looking over her shoulder and waving her rose around.


"So let's do it as our dear Finnick." With a mockery for a bow and disgusted smirk. "I'm Bera Helfir, victor of the 66th and alive at the bottom of a crater bombed open by people that don't give a damn about life. You know my name, Panem's most beloved woman right? But you know that beloved is not really the right word... What did you like to call me? Most... Desired. Why don't I have stories like Finnick? Because unlike many I willingly threw myself in this with the deal of rejecting what advances I despised. But you all still tried and I started going along with it since as long as you all are grabbing at me the others could run... Snow is a tyrant... Have you ever really thought about what went down people? 1678, that's how many children died in your fucking games... So I'll ask this once more...How long before snow melts?" She had leaned into the camera at that question, biting harshly through the white rose and ripping the flower off its stem, petal piece falling away after spitting it out.

No rose can withstand the hunger of an angry bear.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora