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(I don't know, but I feel it in my heart that this song up top is Bera's theme song for the moment and maybe forever.)

She held three different needles in her mouth while using a fourth to stitch in a line before passing her finger over it.

Interview night, yeah? Well, Bera will show them.

She is for certain not wearing the ugly dress given to her, so she had cut it up along with a few clothes she would never wear and her dark green pillow and bed sheets, using the little sowing kit she brought with her to do something.

She put the fourth needle in her mouth and grabbed the second, moving the fabric over and stabbing it into it. 

She has time today, unlike for the tribute parade, where she was forced to use what the stylist had created and work with it, but here she can still make it her own... Sure, her hairstyle and makeup will not be in her hands as much as she hates it, but she is willing to deal with... Even with high heels if needed, as long as she gets to dress herself.

Let's just set a better fashion trend for the Capitol.


The mentors were not with their tributes backstage, that was the escorts job, and so they sat up and behind the audience, made to watch.

Enobaria sure was bored... Well that 8 intrigued her, getting a score of eight almost put her on par with career tributes who usually got nines and tens. After what she saw tho, it didn't surprise her. (I can't have them interact before Bera wins and it is so frustrating because unlike Athena's story, I don't think she'd go speak to other districts' tribute.)

She wanted to see how she'd deal with this, if she'd be able to get herself a few sponsors or not.

Caesar Flickerman was terrific at his job, hyping up the crowd for each tribute even if they were shit in their acts and fumbled their performance.

There was always a flipflop between the years, one it was the girls first and the next it was boys, Enobaria found herself displeased that it was 8's male tribute that would go first, making her need to wait more.

But she noticed that this was and outfit in the style of the stylist unlike those in the parade... Did the 8s make their own outfits? Multi-talented tributes huh?

But the boy did quite a blunder, getting so nervous it was boring and with short answers, the crowd was not entertained.

"And now I call upon the second of 8, Bera Helfir!" The stage lights turned to the side.

"There we go." She grinned.

And the wait was worth it.

From top to bottom the female tribute of 8 was once again spectacular in her outfit.

It was much simple then the first one but it still amazed.

The top was seemingly made of dark green fabric that had a shine to it, woven with dark brown cuffs around the wrists, the dark sleeve reaching only her elbows before it turned into a stripe of green fabric with golden detail stitched into the sides to keep it from unraveling or fraying at the edge, the stripes looped up around her arm and coming up on her shoulders from the front and crossed in an 'x' in her back before looping back to the front in another 'x' to cover her chest before forming a bow tied behind her neck. There was a strip of black matte cloth that was looped in the green 'x' in front, covering her navel and dipping in her form fitting pants that had the part where the belt loops would be cut an inch from the top and sown in a way that it sat higher on her hits, It was a licorice color but the embroidery motifs on it in black tied it to the rest of the outfit with symmetrical looping and spiraling motifs down the side of her legs in a light shade of green, the bottom of it, near her ankles, faded into a maroon color. Her feet strapped into dark green heels that had a lot of lacing to them up her ankles and tied behind it. Her makeup was simple but dark, dark green mostly for the eye shadow with a outside and the tips of the cat eye look dusted with gold. Her hair slicked back as if she had just came out of the shower but curled to stand up and away from her back, simple round ring earrings sparkled in the light.



She is a hoodie, jeans and boots type of girls but don't get her wrong, Bera is a talented seamstress and can look more fashionable if she wishes, she can dress up and rival Capitol fashion if she wants...

And now of all times it was time to show off, making her look from the ground up with more then half of what she thought of impossible with no reasons.

This was simple, or at least in the eyes of the Capitol but it was still a complex outfit, at a moment wearing it to finish the seams to fit her perfectly, and all the complexity, needing to tie it around her, put the pieces on correctly, making it fit and be perfect.

She could have gone way simpler then she had, she could have made a dark green silk shirt from the sheets and make dress pants from the stiffer textile of the other cut clothes but well, special events requires special outfits.

"My my, offering us a slide show ever since you have arrived haven't you?" Caesar spoke up, Bera sat down before he did, arms on the armrests of the chair. Sure she could walk in heels but she hated it in the long run and she had been standing in them ever since the first tribute walked onto the stage.

"8 needs to dress nicely, no?" She shot back, tilting her head to the side.

"Oh of course! The pride of your district! You and James looked fierce in the parade but I couldn't help but notice the difference in craftsmanship." She wanted to slap him when her grabbed her hand and pulled it to him to touch her covered forearm but she just pulled it away after a moment.

"Well of course, James isn't the best with clothes." She sighed, it made the audience laugh for some reason that escaped her. "He needs the stylist for that."

"Are you trying to say such a perfectly crafted outfit has not been made by your stylist?"

"Of course not, she can keep her outfits and I'll make mine."

"You hear that people? We have tailor right here." She was so bored. "So you helped with the parade outfit too?"

"Well of course, I can show off so I will."

"Ooh you hear that? We'll expect many more beautiful outfits if you are the victor my dear."

"You are mistaken Caesar."

"Oh? On what?"

"The 'if', there is no ifs, the 66th already has a victor and it will be me."

"Confidence! We love a confident tribute!" He grabbed her hand and lifted it as he stood. "Bera Helfire ladies and gentlemen!"

She pulled her hand free, shaking it out as she walked off stage under the acclamation and cheers of an excited crowd.

V looked thunder struck backstage, she even stopped pursing her lips which made her actually look like a person and not a duck that was hit by a glitter bomb but she could understand. She had spent so long explaining to Bera to put on a persona that would attract people and made her lovable and she had just thrown it out of the window and went out as same old Bera she had always been.

People liked her anyway, V got what she wanted didn't she? Bera doesn't care how it happened it just did.

She passed her hand in her hair, feeling the lacquer filling in pull apart and crack, making her sigh in displeasure.

"I'm leaving." She told the escort. "I need a shower."


(I have a feeling that I should try to draw Bera's outfits even if my drawing style can be shit at moments. I think she deserves an attempt.)

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now