''Oh how the jays jabber.''

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(Usually the title is something serious or a sentence said by a character if it is in '' marks... But this sentence came to mind, no one said it, and I needed to share it with you all.)

"Twice, twice has my brain gone haywire. This is really not good."

Bera knew, that the closer these crises were, the less time she had to recover between them, and the less time her brain had to get back in order, the higher the chance of yet another one hitting her.

She sighed, looking at the scraps on her spearhead.

"But yeah, that's what happened." She said with a shrug of half indifference.

Potato was like a child caught stealing candy each time Bera looked at her, sure the arrow wound hurt but it wouldn't kill her, hit her in the back yet but it was on the big flat bone, scapula. It hurt, the impact probably punching a hold through the bone a bit but she'd survive. Her face tho? The healing salve that they had gotten against a deadly rash was helping with that since it was surface level.

Beetee was mumbling to himself about some plan and a clock, whatever that might be.

Johanna sat next to her, Peeta was crouching and Finnick sprawled out like a starfish.

They had basically given her a run down about what happened to them since the start of the games: Finnick saving Peeta, Mags' sacrifice, the blood rain, the death of a morphling for Peeta, the monkeys, the realization of the clock which explained Beetee's rambling.

And so Bera told them about her adventure until now: Woof almost being drowned, hitting the force field tho much much gentler then Peeta, the first brain fry, the deadly glitter mist, Woof's sacrifice, discovering how the sections worked on her own.

"None of us have had it easy did we?" Finnick asked even if his injuries were minim, ones from the fog washed off completely and the cut to his leg not that deep, Johanna was not hurt or maybe a bit bruised but Bera had went through the wringer, back and forth... Twice... On high volume... Max spee-"We get it?"


"Nothing nothing."

With Finnick here they had food, this man spearfishing them food with a trident.

Bera was hesitant but to hungry to complain about the fresh fish looking up at her with a 'Why mother? Why betray me like this?' look in its glass eyes.

Because I am hungry, would have the the answer anyway.

And Beetee had even come up with a plan, see people? Food helps the brain think!.. Oh how fat Bera would be if that stopped her brain from throwing up middle fingers in her face.

Something about tying wire to a tree and electrocuting the careers. Only Bera and Johanna felt pain at that thought but they didn't speak, knowing it was no use.

But it was a little scream that broke them all in a frenzy.

"Swap potato!!"... Nah it was "KATNISS!!!!"

"Protect them Jozie! Finnick with me!" Bera ordered, vaulting her legs over the fallen trunk she was sitting on and sprinting after her despite her aching joints and heavy limbs. "Potato stop!!"

She was so damned fast!

"Katniss!!" She yelled in annoyance.

"Katniss!" Finnick yelled, Bare took him along because out of them all, the mockingjay needed to survive.

"Stop this madness!!" She demanded, grabbing Potato and shaking her by the shoulders but the screams kept up. "Shut up!" She threw her spear up, pinning the bird down nicely.

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