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"Johanna and Bera will go with Katniss, Finnick will stay with me and Peeta."

Bera was exhausted mentally more than she was physically but she still just wanted this all to be over sooner then later.

She wanted to sit down, to sleep, to rest.

But she still agreed to this plan.

So she'd play her part in it.

She was the front line, the one to fight first while Johanna was tasked with protecting Potato if anything happened to her. She was tasked to be the first to die if with Johanna bringing Potato to safety while she stopped breathing.

She was watching them put the wire in the water but heard something. Almost like shuffled steps of someone trying to get away from being seen.

"Stay here." She said to Johanna. Knowing if she didn't go after them now and didn't kill this person that it could be a career and it would come back to haunt them.

"Be careful." Johanna said, watching Katniss set up the ends of the wire how Beetee told her too. Something about needing to trim it and tie it in the right place on the spool of the whole strength of the discharge would dissipate to fast? Johanna had no idea.

"You too." Bera pat her shoulder and gave it a squeeze before walking into the forest and up the incline, doing her duties, going to get rid of the danger.

She walked up the hill, trying to follow the sound sneakily, not to be spotted, maybe she could take them by surprise and dispatch the threat? She sure hoped so.

And she seemed to be catching up, seeing Gloss not looking at her and sitting by a tree. It would be sad but she needs to do it.

She looked around, spear at the ready but there was one thing she forget a bit too easily since she never seen him do it.

Brutus can throw spears too.

And from just as far as she could if not further.

Realizing this was a trap as Gloss looked at her with a sorry look and when the spear pierced down in the crook of her neck and shot through her body.

A loud but strangled scream as she collapsed down into the jungle.

"Hurry up." Johanna said, nervousness rising.

"I am almost done."


Her blood turned cold at the scream accompanying the canon sound was familiar.

"No!" She looked on with wide eyes. "No, no, no! It can't be! Not like this!"

"We need to go now." Katniss said, worried, suspecting the same thing as Johanna did.

A bothersome, as annoying, as bratty as the victor from 8 was... She was just as important to Johanna.

"Move it." She held the axe so tight her knuckles turned white on it, following Katniss as they hurried up.

Up between the plants, up around the trees, hurrying so much that Katniss tripped on the wire.

But it didn't hold, it came cascading down the hills side as Johanna caught it, looking at the end of it.

It didn't like like ripped wire, it was too neat, this was cut.

"Someone is coming!" and she chose to bash Katniss' brains out... Well no, she can't let someone else she almost started to enjoy the company off die.

"Ssh ssh, stay down and don't move." Katniss had screamed when she sliced her arm, thinking haphazardly what what to do to survive.


Another?! She quickly checked she didn't actually kill Katniss before standing up and actually seeing the four careers. All standing high on top of the hill.

Her breath hitched in fear, she had not been this scared in her own games.

She threw her axe with her whole strength but Brutus hit it out of the air, holding Bera's spear... And she took off running.

She ran for her life, hearing them scream to catch up with her already.

Johanna was fleeing for her life.

For the 71st, she had faked it, in the 75th she felt it, true tears in her eyes, no idea how to survive this encounter.

And all she could do was run.

Running out towards the beach, maybe she could run to the cornucopia and still find a weapon in there? Maybe she could live just a bit lon--she tripped, landing and sliding down, scrapping her face open.

She looked behind to see how close they were and gasped, not even that far, towering over her.

With a gulp, she looked up at the looming death that raised the spear and--"AAAAH!!" And yelled in pain?

"A canon shot really? You shouldn't have~?"

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