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(I will say this... I like the designs I came up with for Bera's outfits... And I love to draw too... But I hate how she looks in her outfits when I drew it... Like a discount prostitute... Well, the Capitol tends to make the young tributes look like that, so I nailed that part lmao, but I wish I could have made it look better...And I can't draw feet/shoes, so don't bring it up.)

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(I know the colored version is squished compared to the line art; I'll fix it when I can

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(I know the colored version is squished compared to the line art; I'll fix it when I can.)

It was time... Or soon to be time.

Bera was staring at her hand, touching her thumb to her pointer, then middle, ring, and finally pinky before going back to the ring, middle, and pointer, doing that little loop over and over.

She was more stressed than she ever had been in her life.

She already knew what awaited her. She already knew what she would need to do; she witnessed it on the big screen each year. She saw so much blood and death, yet it was still a foreign feeling.

"You'll be fine. Try to come back." Cecelia pat her shoulder. "Now up, time to go to the hovercraft if you don't want the peacekeepers to come and drag you away."

"Right." She stood up from her seat, shaking herself out. Like all other tributes, she had been given a hoodie, pants, and boots. It didn't surprise her since each year. The tributes were dressed the same but in different colors; District 8 had gotten black clothes this year.

"Be careful out there, alright?"

"Shouldn't you be talking to James?"

"He is getting a pep talk from Woof."

"I... Am not jealous of him." The mentor laughed slightly despite the impending deaths to come; usually, more than half died in the bloodbath, and 8 were also among the first to leave their lives in it.

"I wouldn't either. He can be grumpy, but he is nice," Cecelia said before holding up her hand.

Bera looked at it before holding her hand up, and Cecelia dropped something.

"Why?" She looked at the little hand-braided bracelet made from leathery cloth, but it wasn't leather; there were a few beads on it.

"Your token, silly; everyone gets one, and I saw you brought nothing to be yours."

"You are just hurting yourself if I die."

"I know... But I give one to everyone to make them know they aren't alone."

"Tributes! Move it! The hovercraft is leaving!" A man called.

"Thanks." She said, looking at the woman who saw so many of them die. "I won't hurt you." She promised awkwardly before walking away; she was not good at comforting people as most of her life was fighting and hate.

She put it around her wrist as staff noted it down as her token and a peacekeeper patted her down to check she carried nothing else on her person, then shoved her in the back a little to make her climb in the craft.

She sat with James as the craft started moving the moment it had all the tributes on it.

She looked at the boy when he grabbed her hand; he wasn't looking back at her, staring ahead.

Bera looked back ahead, too, faced with 5's female tribute, letting the boy with the shaking hand hold hers this once.


When they landed they were separated, she can just hope Cecelia passed on the word to the other mentors and the tributes would be aware of what to do.

Bera was brought to a room where she was alone with a huge glass tube in the middle of it.

It was a room full of concrete, it felt cold and more inhumane that any of this had felt.

She cupped her hands on the back of her neck and sighed deeply through her nose.

"Time to go."

It was in this moment she almost loved Valerius, without him this would be the end of the road, with him she had a chance.

She'd never forgive him for what he did, for what hell he made for her, but she understood him... She hated she understood him, hated.

"Get in 8."

"On it, on it."

She dropped her hands, another sigh, and stepped into the tube.

The moment the panel of glass closed behind her with a clicking on glass on glass, the platform she was standing on started to rise.

It brought her in complete darkness and just rose and rose.

Bera squinted as a hole opened up above her.

She was blind for a long while, the sun just so bright.

She looked around... And smiled.

8 usually was heavily disadvantaged because nature arena's were the most common and their district was industrial with little to no forest or greenery.

And here she saw trees, bushed, grass and flowers... But also metal, rust, concrete and rubble.

A broken down city arena.

"They shouldn't have." She muttered to herself.

" She muttered to herself

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