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(I have Athena Hadley from Stone and Lumber, Enobaria from Forest Fire, and Bera Helfir from Shark Plushy, who all got smacked in the face by Johanna being surprised by them sneaking up on her. It is becoming a worrying trend for my victors XD)

Snow is getting cocky with this game he and Bera are playing.

Really cocky.

The 72nd games were of no great utility to Bera, she didn't find it in her tributes or the others any favoritism, she did help her own of course with Woof basically having a cooked brain now and basically only being around her and making growling noises when faced with obstacles, but there were no tributes that would outright piss him off if they won.

Johanna and Bera were enough, heck, the girl from 7 by herself was a blast to deal with, Bera knew that, she needed to deal with her when they met and how easily she got on the 'you are way to friendly to just be friends' side of Cashmere while it took her trying to kill Enobaria and losing her crap over shit to get the barest of wins there... Tho neither admitted nor acted on it, she was sure it was just because they didn't want bets on them just like how Bera learned she had had bets on her even if she didn't care for them.

But they weren't the reason Snow was getting cocky, it was actually good rumors for Capitol citizen that always loved drama.

What made Bera think Snow was getting cocky was the six foot tall ball refrigerator standing in front of her.

She just sipped the mixed fruit juice through a loopy straw with her raised brow.

"Move your ass you hunk a junk." She'd love to hear about what story Snow concocted to lift the ban on Brutus, what half truth he'd feed his people.

But she also knew it was to stop Bera from creating more problematic victors for him... But currently he was being the problematic victor.

She didn't care what he wanted from her, one word, one excuse, and he'll send his teeth back to district 2 separated from his head.

"I am enjoying watching my tributes this fine morning so leave."

"What if I don't?" He was looking to get a reaction, even slapping the drink out of her hand but there was something he didn't know... It was reason

He hadn't seen Bera since that night and most likely didn't watch her, stewing in his hate. 

He expected the 66th victor, he's getting Bera.

The drink hadn't even fully left her hand, fingers hooked under the foot of the glass, at the content dumped on the couch.

"Hey back o--" Bera held a hand up, silencing the rising displeasure of the other victors, a simple gesture demanding silence from the newest of victors.

Bera just stood, so close that she was almost bumping chests with him... And whacked the glass across his face.

Wide eyed surprise as he touched his cut face after stumbling away and looked at her.

"You can't honestly believe you can run your mouth in my face and expect me to take it. News flash boy, I am known as Panem's most beloved and can get away with anything, so don't force my hand in being true to those words." She dropped the glass still remaining in her hand.

Brutus had expected to face the same young girl, the manipulative asshole behind an angel's face, not a fully fledged victor of violence who's influence had gotten out of control, and Bera knew all of this which is why she was being merciful.

"You bitch! I should kill you!"

"The Capitol would have you executed the moment I stop breathing." Not caring for the spittle he was sending at her while he screamed into her face, his red from anger and the blood.

She just stepped away, knowing he'd follow.

"You've been so out of the loop you are unaware of what you just stepped back into, know your place." She leaned again the bar counter, grabbing a bottle and humming. "Want a glass of tekilla? Tequila? Dekilla? What the fuck if even this thing's name?" She tried to remember since the sticker was unreadable.

"I'll smash your head in!!"

Bera blinked, unimpressed and with a spin, slammed the bottle in the ground, while still looking him in the eyes she got on the counter, grabbed the top of the drink shelf and yanked the thin screws out of the wall as she made all shatter on the ground.

And she grinned, hopping off."You don't mind me doing this do you?"

He gave her sure an angry dear in the headlights look.

"If you know anything about fighting then you'd know if you get thrown on the ground you basically lost." She said, her boots crunching on shards of glass. Another gesture of hers, a dismissive wave, stopped the others from interposing once again. "So I spiced things up to make it more exciting." The shards cracked under her feet, a huge area of the victors' lounge around the once pristine bar was now covered in spilt alcohol and glass.

And maybe Brutus had enough of brains to realize finally that she was more then she had ever been in her games, the victor of the 66th was a tribute, this woman was a full on master of this game she was creating.

But his want to revenge was too sour.

"I'll mop the floor with your face."

"The pleasure would be mine~."

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