Less Empty

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"I owe you."

"No, it's the Capitol that owes me. Just keep an eye out. Snow has the bad habit of going after those weaker then him."

She didn't like Finnick any more then before, 8 and 4 always somehow dying because of each other the majority of these last games and she'd have an eternal grudge against that boy of the 66th.

But Annie was extremely fragile of a girl to have come out of this and the games weren't that satisfying to all, they liked the moment when she forced herself to fight one person but were disgusted when she spent the night crying with snot wiped in her sleeves.

Of course, Bera would play her games, she'd charm them all, flaunt herself to make them forget about the games and the troubles with it. She was still a willing pawn, it benefited her too after all.

Yet it was Annie that was so weak, she'll need sure the Capitol forgets completely about her, it would mean keeping Mags as the mentor despite her bad joints and old age but she was a strong woman, Annie would never hold out in the spotlight. Finnick better protect her as it was not hard to realize to those that knew her personally that the young woman never held a weapon in her life and Bera had the ability to instill the fear of death in the heart of people not learning what she showed right away, Annie being terrified of her was another give away.

It always took so long to load the train even if like half of those that came in it were gone.

"Anger against us will not sooth your heart."

"I am starting to get why you were always trying to ditch me. It is damned annoying." Bera hissed at the victor from 2.

"It is not my fault that you were never that tactful and how annoying you can be."

"Might be the truth but let me tell you this. It's you that twist it into a game, I've been truthful."

"If this is still about refusing your dates then grow up Bera. Don't you realize just how impractical this would be?" That was not where this discussion was meant to go towards but with emotions in the mix? Who knows what was the original plan.

"Don't you have a phone at home or something? It has a number."

"You think they didn't block it?"

"You think someone ever asked another district member for their phone number? Snow is not that wise. If he was none of this would have happened."

He... Would have realized the anger an angry victor with the ability to do something about it caused. Enobaria knew that, she already had news of how some of the old heads of the district had been executed to ensure that the citizen saw changes in the training in 2 for the peacekeepers and because of what happened in 8.

8, a district that was never meant to hold so much power, all of that at the finger tips of one woman.

Enobaria rubbed her head.

"Fine yes, I have a phone, each house has one."

"Yeah I know, I have Cashmere's number and neither of us has been swatted with peacekeepers yet." She sighed. "I do mean it when I ask you out, it might have been a trick at the start." Yeah, Enobaria still remembers the first day it was proposed to her. "But I do enjoy your presence if nothing else."

"And here I thought you learnt how to flirt."

"My love language is still violence."

"Any language you speak is violence."

"Enobaria." A heavy sigh.

"Fine, fine, if you stop bringing it up in public. I have enough of Haymitch's drunk rants about him officiating our wedding."

Bera scoffed out a half chuckle, imagining the man tumbling off the stage.

"Out of everyone I'd choose Gloss to do that."

"I will go back on my words."

"Then I shut up."


And Enobaria instantly regretted it since what she woke up to the first day home was the loud ringing of the previously eternally silent house phone.

Not only that, she got greeted with yelling from the opposite side, hearing Bera argue with a man but not making out much, having to wait a while before she was spoken too.

But it was nice.

Sure 2 has a lot of victors but that doesn't mean they get along.

Brutus playing the big muscles here, another talking smack there... District 2 was not known to be that cohesive unless it was because of the games.

So it was odd for her to be chatting away with someone like old acquaintances.

Tho it made the house feel a little less empty.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now