-''Normal arena my ass.''-

566 19 2

Walking through a dead town felt hauntingly odd.

Sure, 7 couldn't care for it; she just needed to survive it, but Bera, it reminded her of her home but abandoned.

"What do you think." The other girl asked. "What do you think they put in here?"

"I don't know and don't want to find out any time soon, which would be easier if you stayed silent."

"Damn, you have a mean streak here. Cool it, girl."

"I will stab you."

"I'd love to see you try."

She just scoffed.

They had left their perch early morning, the canteen was empty, and they needed to find water soon, food she worried less about; the games never last more than two weeks, and a human can, tho with displeasure, survive without food for around three weeks.

She knew the feeling of hunger when she was young before she learned how to steal and take. She had gone to sleep hungry many times. Only working in the factories and making clothes made her happy since that was getting away from Valerius and what he did to her... Guess that's where her fashion sense and creativity comes from... Oh, if only sowing a jacket would be enough to win the games.

And she still needed to find James, whom she was more than ready to bet teamed up with the boy from 11.

Sadly, her alliance with 3 was done for before it started, the girl's face showing up as one of the first people to die, and 11's girl and the two of 12 were dead, but not the boy of 11, and Bera didn't believe he would have survived alone... At least James is still kicking.

"Ssh." She held her arm up, silencing the other girl, and pointed at her ear.

The blond tightly grabbed her axe.

It was hard to hear between the wind blowing through the rustling leaves and the almost momentary groaning of the old stone.

Distant rushing water reassured both of them, but the fact tha--Boom!

Bera frowned. Well, there was nothing meant to be heard anymore, she guessed... But the previous sound was from way closer than the water, and the scream that preceded it was not good.

7 waved at her to follow, ducking into what looked like an old grocery store.

Bera followed, crouching behind a rotting wooden shelf, and peeked out around it.

She almost awaited hearing someone approach because they were walking down a straight street, which would mean whoever killed the other would 50/50 walk down it.

But the hefty sounding thumps couldn't be made by a tribute or the rocky grumble of each breath... Bera felt happy; she wordlessly followed 7 instead of telling her they should fight like she had thought.

"What the hell?" Came the ghastly whisper when the source of that sound entered the view of the shop's broken windows.

Bera's hand tightened on the spear. It had been long since she had been so scared.

This lumbering thing looked like a balding brown bear that had been physically altered: a mutt.

It was like the lips had somehow dissolved into a permanent snarl, its body tho big, much thinner than a bear should be, the neck also longer and eyes sunken in, muzzle smooshed and creating a horrible under-bite. The fur mostly remained around the face and chest area, like a man had transformed into a bear but stopped halfway.

And between its exposed fangs dripped bloody drool and hung scraps of clothes.

Neither girl dared to move, fearing this beast hearing them until they couldn't hear it and waiting even longer.

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