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It was a while, but the mutt did lose interest, and they could leave the house. They ran the moment they could, putting as much distance between them and it as they could.

"At least you left those stupid books behind." 7 had said, not really talking to each other after the small blow-up, but Bera didn't mind; at least they were silent like that.

But the silence was quite heavy in this ghost town that was taking lives day by day.

She struggled to understand why the Capitol made such an arena that wasn't a natural element, was extremely rare, never seen even, and this has a partial man-made feel to it even if all arenas were man-made

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She struggled to understand why the Capitol made such an arena that wasn't a natural element, was extremely rare, never seen even, and this has a partial man-made feel to it even if all arenas were man-made.

It felt like the town was once a place people lived in, just repurposed... There was only one district all knew about that was no more.

Had the Capitol recreated District 13 for an arena?

It was the only logically sound reason why it looked so much like an actual district town instead of the shit the Capitol built up.

Her steps were disgustingly squelching in mud, making her wonder if she had slept through the rain last night.

She looked at 7's back and sighed. She still looked angry, holding her axe in such a tight grip that Bera was surprised it was not stabbed through her skull at the moment.

"Look, I--" Blood.

Before anyone could react to what was happening, blood was flying through the air.

7 stumbled back and literally in Bera's arms, falling to the side and down on one knee to not fall on her back.

Bera watched with wide eyes as the other girl reached for her neck. An arrow nicely shot through the front to the left and exited out the back on the right, skewering her through.

"Dawn!" She actually said her name as the terrified girl held her throat as blood foamed out because of the pressure in the blood vessels in the neck, pooling out her mouth, her other arm gripping Bera's arm harder than ever.

She looked up at the laugh only to have white hot pain slice her in the face, another arrow.

She jerked back but couldn't move, still in 7's grip.

She looked back at her in fear for her own life as that damned girl from 1 knocked another arrow, two other boys already running at her.

"I'm so sorry." She said, Dawn's eyes widening in fear as Bera lifted the spear and stabbed it down.


She got out of the dead girl's hold and ran back the way she came, running as fast as possible.

"Stop running!" One of the boys yelled, but he was out of his mind if he thought she'd ever listen.

An arrow hit the ground to the left of her feet a bit in front of it, so she tripped over it, the shaft of it getting stuck between her legs a moment, tho luckily she caught herself.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now