Count Down

239 12 3

(For those that weren't sure how Bera did 22 outfits, she used the already worn outfits as much as she could so Johanna's top was the same as in the movie for example of Finnick still had his waist net, and all the held together with hot glue, safety pins, positioning of the body and hopes and dreams just like the outfits for the 66th for 8, nothing was secure and any of the 22 could have had their outfit just peel off their body at any moment.)

No one wanted to be here.

No matter how much separation they tried to create.

The tributes pushed their tables together to eat as one.

1 showed 10 how to throw a spear.

8 training knife throwing with her rival from 2 because such was to be done.

12 teaching 4 how to shoot a bow.

6 showing 11 how to camouflage themselves.

3 talking to 5 about electricity and force fields.

No matter how much hate Snow wanted to create between the districts, at this moment they all were all there and all were training, eat, chatting, as one.

Tension was there, with deep fear knowing 23 of them would soon be dead.

And there was a tension felt by all.

With a back of the hand strike to grab and throw, 8 threw 2 out of the sparing ring.

Bera was visibly irritated by the choices of the careers, how dare she ignore her and play pack and then expect her to play fair in training? She might be planning to make sure she survives but that doesn't mean they need to get along anymore.

It felt like a betrayal that digs out canyons and valleys to accept Brutus instead of her.

Such a pain was not known to 8 before now and it annoyed her.

With a scoff, leaving sparing ring while ignoring the look she got, guiding Woof away, the old man not even sane enough to train, just following her around.

She could see alliances form tho.

The carrier pack was made anew.

12 was being buddy-buddy with 4 and 3, even 6.

4 was close to 7, having been friendly.

Even 7 had had more chance then 8 in talking to the careers.

Was she really going to play it like this?

Was Bera really going to go with her district partner and no one else?

It was a huge, HUGE, liability and she knew it.

Woof was not who she came to know in the 66th, a shadow of his former self, he would be a huge liability to her... But he could still fight, he did in the riots, she just hopes instincts will take over and do what needs to be done.

And she was basically going into this arena alone. She'd need to protect Woof, stand up the careers, be weary of the 12s while still protecting them if she runs into them, looking out for the hazards in the arena.

Bera is fully handicapping herself.

And she was fine with that.


"Sure, if we run into each other." But she still promised that to Johanna. She didn't think of her as much as she did James, but Johanna reminded her of not only herself but Dawn also.

And so she couldn't help but agree that if in the arena they ran into each other, that they might as well form an alliance.

She had no idea who Haymitch and his accomplices talked too but she hoped that Johanna was included into it.

She sighed, so many of the lower districts only had one or max two other victors, only 2 having in abundance, Cecelia told her there were only 9 mentors in total for this games, herself counted... That just meant some district would not even have the ability to get sponsors unless their district coughed up the money needed for something.

That means only Cecelia was there to look out for them... She really hoped Haymitch's plan would work since if she knows Snow, he'd go after the remaining victors outside of the games if something goes wrong inside of it and she will never forget him if he didn't protect Cecelia.

Stupidly enough... Bera had long learned how to care for people, her younger self would have hated her for that... But that girl was a brat and she's a bastard, she's better.


As fate would have it, Bera was sooooo distracted, she missed her own room.

Stumbling into Cinna trying to put a wedding dress over the swap potatoes mokingjay dress right in the middle of the common area for the stylists.

"Hey." She called out with a wave towards her.

"It is great to meet you, you have incredible sense in fashion, I have permitted myself in being inspired with your work." So that was how the 74th look like they did. he had casually walked up to her while the potato looked scared just to be in her presence... Yes, tremble before she turns you into mashed potatoes with a dropkick.

"You are aware of what you are doing?" She asked in a whisper so only he heard, looking at the black dress. "You are painting a target on your back."

"Everything for change." He said, ready to die and it made her frown, both knowing that one mockingjay symbol would get him executed.

"Cinna." She held her hand out, both knowing what she was demanding.

"Bera I--" "You can get killed, he can do nothing to me, give it."

He reluctantly handed over the scissors he was holding.

"Now go, get out before I make you, you still have Peeta too dress."

Katniss had heard nothing of their discussion but was scared when Cinna left her alone with this woman.

"Now." She said, snipping the air. "Turn around."

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking in the mirror and seeing the woman grab a piece of her outfit carelessly and just slice into it, destroying Cinna's work.

"Are you blind or do you choose just not to see?" The cold voice came. "The Capitol cheers, the districts are in flames and Snow is angry. Cinna would be executed for this and I refuse to see another man with brains enough to realize this die at the hands of Snow."

No, Katniss had not realized this.

"So don't move and let me save your stylist's ass will you?"

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now