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-How is she?- Minhyuk asked as soon as he saw Nayeon.

-Not in the best condition.

-Then? Was I right?

-It almost seems like you like that I have feelings for her.

-I'll have to console myself somehow, right? So, am I right?

-I feel something for her, something very strong, but I don't know if it's love. And... Speaking of which. Minhyuk, I don't want to continue to deceive you. You told me that you would leave me alone and think about you when I asked you explicitly; so, I decided to try again with my partner, I hope you can understand. I know you already knew this, but I want to set the record straight and eliminate even the slightest illusion. Please think about yourself, you have already wasted too much time after me.

Minhyuk nodded. -I knew this moment would come soon. Wow...- He sat down and took a deep breath. -She must be really worth it if you choose her for the second time.

-Yeah... She's really worth it.

-I'll stop bothering you or trying to. But, no matter what, know that I'm here. Even if I have problems with that Mina.

-Yeah... She gives me a bit of trouble.

-I can take her out to dinner. Maybe a little money will make her calm down.- he joked.


Jeongyeon woke up and rolled over only to find the bed empty. She got up and looked in the house for Nayeon, only to realize that she must be at work. She looked at the phone and read a message from the girl that confirmed her doubts. She snorted and checked her temperature. Thirty-six and eight. The medicines had worked. She suddenly had an idea but she was just ashamed of having thought it. She was a grown woman, what was on her mind? The somewhat irrational side of her, however, won out, and she called Nayeon.

-Hey, you woke up. How are you?

-Nayeon... I can't get out of bed. My bones hurt so bad.

-Oh. Wait, I'll see if I can send someone to you.

Jeongyeon frowned. She hadn't put on her best performance to be taken care of by Tzuyu or Momo. She already imagined her Latina throwing her medicine at her and telling her "take care, my work is done" or, even worse, discovering her deception and making fun of her for the rest of her life.

-But I don't want someone, I want you.- she said with the tone of a child who wants her mother.

-I'll see what I can do.

Jeongyeon smiled contentedly and ran to heat up some water. Meanwhile, Nayeon had asked Minhyuk to take off another day, promising that ahe would make up for those lost hours, and the boy had agreed. If Jeongyeon was sacrificing her work hours it meant she must be feeling really bad. Nayeon and Minhyuk weren't entirely wrong, Jeongyeon was sick, but it wasn't a fever, she simply needed attention. As soon as Jeongyeon heard the sound of the keys, she took the thermometer out of the glass, put it under her armpit, and in a panic, poured the water on the bed and hid the pikeman in the covers. Nayeon rushed into the room.

-I'm checking the temperature.- the other explained.

-How much longer?

-About a minute.

The girl then looked carefully at the blankets. -Why is it wet? And maybe...

Jeongyeon blushed. Nayeon was convinced that she had peed. Either that or tell her the truth...

-I am sorry.

-It doesn't matter, I'll change them later. Let me see.- she said, holding out her hand. Jeongyeon handed her the thermometer and Nayeon's eyes widened. -Thirty-nine and two!? How did it get so high? You have to take the tachipirina immediately.- she said, opening the package. -We need water, I'll be right back.

After forcing Jeongyeon to take a shower, Nayeon changed the sheets, then made something warm for the other. When she took her temperature she noted that it was thirty-six and seven; she was surprised at how low it had gotten. Jeongyeon was fed, then tucked in and even given a head massage. Nayeon began to suspect that she liked being sick.

-What time is it?- Jeongyeon asked.

-Half past six. Rest because you have to go back to work tomorrow.

-But... The fever.

-You enjoyed this day quite a bit. Or do you think I didn't understand that it was water on the bed? Seriously, Jeongyeon, raising your temperature? You made me leave work for no reason.

The girl felt mortified and embarrassed. -Now you will think I am an idiot and selfish.

-No, but I think you're a liar.

-I'm not... It's the first time.

In reality, she had a bigger secret that she was keeping from her, but she didn't think it was the right time to tell her. She had begged Tzuyu to lie to her, to tell her that Chaeyoung was born through IVF and the Latina had only agreed because she was desperate. Momo and Sana had also decided to keep it a secret. "Sooner or later she'll find out," Tzuyu had said. This, also, had led her to worry when Nayeon had been craving leek soup. But how could she tell her that in reality there really could have been a possibility that she was pregnant with her?

-Okay, I believe you. At least you didn't pretend to be dying like a friend of mine... If it can be said that way.

-Huh?- she ​​asked confused, sitting up. -You never told me?

-Oh no?- Nayeon sat next to her. -I was twenty and I had this... Dude. One day he told me that he had a serious medical condition and that her biggest dream was to have sex with me. I thought about it for a while, but then agreed. Needless to say, he invented the disease.

Jeongyeon frowned. -That bastard took advantage of you.

Nayeon smiled. -You also reacted like this when I told you about my first ex.

Jeongyeon blinked twice. -But this happened two years ago.

Nayeon didn't even realize it; in her head her memories had no logical thread. -Slowly I'm remembering.

-Slowly you will also remember that you love me.- Jeongyeon said taking her hands. -Whether it's because your memories come back or because I'll win you back again.

The older one smiled. -I don't think I've ever forgotten that.

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