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Nayeon observed Minhyuk talk on the phone, waiting to make his next appointments. She suddenly felt guilty towards both the boy and the girl. She had deceived Minhyuk but at the same time she had destroyed Jeongyeon. At that moment she was simply confused.

-Nayeon?- Minhyuk called her, making her wake up from her trance. -It's all solved, I don't have to go.

-Oh good.

-Is everything okay?


-Problems? Do you need to leave early?

-No, everything's okay.

-Mh... Okay. Then we can go back to work.


Jeongyeon was at home with Chaeyoung, who didn't want to hear about the bottle. -Come on, mom will be back at seven.- She looked at the clock in the kitchen. -I think...

Luckily for her Nayeon returned at the right time. Jeongyeon breathed a sigh of relief every time she saw her return in time and secretly studied her body for any sign of "betrayal" but she never found anything. Tzuyu would definitely tell her.

-Hey, let her eat. She really doesn't want to know about the bottle.

Nayeon dropped her bag on the couch and took Chaeyoung to her room for her to eat. Jeongyeon was happy to see the most important women in her life together.

-Jeongyeon! Would you take my phone? It's in the bag.


The girl took out her phone but immediately noticed a message from Minhyuk, inviting her out to dinner the next day. She pretended nothing happened and broughtthe phone to the other.

-Thank you.- she told her smiling.

Jeongyeon sat next to her, observing every little change in her facial expression, but didn't notice any. "She probably accepted" was all she could think of. After all, they were still getting to know each other, Nayeon had every right to agree to go out with Minhyuk, at least that's what Jeongyeon's rational side thought, but her rational side didn't usually prevail.

-I was thinking... I'll finish early tomorrow, would you like to do something?- Jeongyeon suddenly proposed, without even realizing it.

Nayeon put the phone down to the side and looked at her. -Like?

-I don't know... A walk with Chae. You know... It's not good for her to stay locked in the house.

-Yes... What time do you finish?

-I'll be back by seven.

-All right.

Jeongyeon's heart felt relieved. But what if Nayeon had moved her date with Minhyuk to lunch?

-What time will you be back tomorrow?

-At one, as always.

-Good because Momo has an appointment at half past one.

-I'll be on time, I won't rush- She suddenly stopped and looked at her for a few seconds. -Did you see the message?- She ​​didn't seem angry, at least at that moment.


-Jeongyeon, you don't have to use Chaeyoung as an excuse to keep me away from Minhyuk. For me, Chae always comes first. I already told you that I will prioritize you and then him, in fact I already told him that I won't go out with him. But you have to trust me.

-It's difficult when you don't even know me and you've already been with him...

-That's why I'm sorry, I didn't realize how much I hurt you. You are always so kind to me and I love you for it.

Nayeon wanted to say that she was a very good friend to her but she felt like more than doing her any good, she might make her sad.

-Okay, I'll stop, I'm sorry. But are we still going out tomorrow?

-To give Chae some air?- she ​​asked with a raised eyebrow and a sweet smile.

-Yes, for that, really.

-Yes, let's go out.


The next day Minhyuk was very cold towards Nayeon because she had rejected his invitation to dinner. He thought that the girl no longer wanted to know about her partner, but instead she found himself back in the same situation as three years ago: Nayeon preferred Jeongyeon to him. But why? What did she have that he didn't have?

When Jeongyeon returned home, she seemed as excited as she was on her first date. She immediately took the pram and proposed to carry it herself so as not to make Nayeon too tired. They began walking through their neighborhood, eventually arriving at a small park nearby. They sat on a bench, under a large, almost bare tree.

-It's a nice place.- Nayeon stated closing her eyes, feeling the wind in her hair. When she didn't hear any response from Jeongyeon, she opened her eyes and looked at her. -Jeongyeon?

The girl woke up from her trance. -Yes?

-What are you thinking about?

-No, nothing.

-It's not nothing. Is something wrong?

The girl smiled and shook her head. -Far from it.


-I can't tell you.- she said embarrassed.

-Come on, now I'm curious! Come on Jeongyeon!

-Okay... Here... On this bench... We had our first kiss. You know... When you thought I was a boy.

-Oh...- Nayeon said looking at her shoes. -And how was it?- she asked her, looking up again.

-It was my first time... I didn't know how to kiss. I trained with apples.- She laughed. -But your lips were very different from the hard skin of apples. I don't know how you used to remember it, but on the one hand I'm glad you forgot it. I think it was embarrassing. You probably didn't even like it. But for me... It was like touching Heaven with my lips.

Nayeon placed one hand over the other. -I'm convinced it wasn't as bad as you say. I can't remember it, but something inside me tells me it's not like that.

-Thank you. I know you can't remember it and you're only doing it so I don't feel miserable.

-Have you always had so little self-esteem?

-Oh? No, actually not. In fact, it has always been the opposite. But since I've been with you... I see you so perfect and I feel like I'm not enough.

Nayeon smiled. That's who she fell in love with, not the Jeongyeon who yelled at her because she had lost her memory, but with that sweet, insecure person. Who knows if she would have been able to fall in love with her again.

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