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It was the evening before Nayeon left and she and Jeongyeon were having dinner as calmly as they do every day. They talked about this and that, mainly about work or some news about their friends. They had booked a restaurant for Chaeyoung's six-monthversary and, if there was one thing that still united the two, it was the little girl and the excitement at seeing her grow up. Every little step she took was a victory for her moms.

-What time do you have the plane tomorrow?- Jeongyeon asked, putting a piece of meat in her mouth.

-At nine o'clock.

-Do you want me to accompany you?

-Don't worry, Minhyuk will pick me up at six.

-Good... You have my number just in case.

-And you have mine for Chae. Or... If you need anything.

Jeongyeon had already asked both Mina and Momo to keep her away from her phone to avoid calling Nayeon with the most ridiculous excuse. No Chaeyoung with vomiting, no Chaeyoung with a stomach ache, no Chaeyoung who didn't want to eat... She would only contact her if absolutely necessary.

The girl swallowed, not having the courage to look into her eyes because she didn't want to perceive the discomfort in her gaze. -How many rooms did you book?

-Two, I was clear about that.- she replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

-And what time will you be back?

-The day after tomorrow at 10pm.


They resumed eating in silence, then went to sleep. Nayeon woke up early the next day and kept as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the other two. At five fifty she sat on the couch waiting for Minhyuk. She heard silent footsteps to her left and, turning, she found a barely awake Jeongyeon standing in front of her.

-I thought you had already left.

-No, in five minutes.

-Well, I wanted to say hello.- she told her smiling.

It was so genuine and adorable that the other girl couldn't help but respond with a happy smile. Jeongyeon shyly opened her arms and Nayeon moved closer to her to return the gesture. The younger one hugged the other tightly, as if she didn't want her to leave. It was a hug that lasted about twenty seconds, pleasant for both of them.

-Please don't cry too much now that I'm leaving.- Nayeon joked as soon as they broke away.

-I know you'll miss us too.

Nayeon shrugged in amusement. She then received a message. -Minhyuk is on the corner, I have to go.

-Then have fun.

-It's a business trip, I doubt I'll have.- she replied laughing. -I'm not telling you to take care of Chae because I'm convinced you will, but take care of yourself.

Jeongyeon appreciated her concern for her; she smiled and nodded. -You too.

Nayeon grabbed her suitcase and her purse and headed for the door. Jeongyeon looked out the window, watching Minhyuk get out of the car and greet Nayeon with a hug and a kiss on her cheek, nothing too affectionate to tell the truth. He took her suitcase and put it in the trunk, while he invited Nayeon to get into the car. The girl did so but she stopped in front of the car door, while the other was busy arranging the suitcase well in the trunk; she turned to her left, looked towards the window and smiled. Jeongyeon immediately reciprocated. She didn't know how it was possible but that smile had managed to reassure her and a part of her was no longer so worried about that trip. The thirty-five year old then got into the car, followed by Minhyuk and the car took off, then disappeared into the corner.

-Everything will be fine...- the lawyer said to herself, smiling at the memory of Nayeon who perceives her presence and turns around just to be able to say goodbye one last time with a smile.


Nayeon had just settled into her room. Minhyuk had insisted on sharing the room but for the girl it was out of the question. Maybe having some time alone would help her relax and think through her problems. Minhyuk would meet a couple of colleagues at lunchtime and then go to dinner with Nayeon; the next day, however, there was the meeting. The two would then leave on the first available plane, that of the twenty-second. The girl decided to take a shower to refresh her thoughts- and refresh herself after the trip- and rest until lunch time. When she woke up, it was three o'clock. She decided that she would eat right in the evening and looked on her phone; not even a notification. Yet, knowing Jeongyeon, she was sure that she would write at least one message, at least one "landed?". She had to admit she was a little upset. She watched television for a while, then got bored and turned it off. She took the phone and asked Tzuyu if Chaeyoung was with her but her friend said no. She asked Momo if she was with her but the Japanese girl was right at Tzuyu and Sana's house. The girl imagined Mina with her daughter in her arms. She frowned and immediately called Jeongyeon.

-Hello?- the other one answered curiously after just three rings.

-Hi, I wanted to know how Chae is doing.

-Well, she's sleeping now. I managed to make her eat.- she said satisfied.


-Well... Actually I was a bit upset about it. It's almost like she doesn't like me.

-What do you mean?

-That she never wants to drink from me, it was Mina who gave her the milk.

-Mina!?- shouted the furious brunette. -Why did Mina feed my daughter? Weren't you supposed to do it?

-I tried but she wouldn't hear of it, then Mina arrived and...

-So Mina can give her the bottle but I can't?

It is certainly the worst feeling for a mother to know that someone can do something with your daughter and you can't.

-At least she ate! This is what's important.

-Ah... Now I understand.- she said with some sarcasm.

-Do you understand what?

-Why you didn't even ask me if I had landed. It's because you're with Mina.

Jeongyeon frowned. -I didn't want to seem too intrusive.

-Jeong... The baby is sleeping, would you rather I hold her a little longer or put her in the pram?- Mina said softly about her as she approached her.

-Tell that b*tch to put my daughter down or I'll walk from Tampa and tear her hair out one by one.- the thirty-five year old said angrily.

Jeongyeon swallowed. -Leave her here in the pram. Thank you, Mina. You can go for today.

-Oh... Is it Nayeon? Say hello to her.

-Oh f*ck you!

-Come on, Nayeon, don't be like that, I only helped Jeongyeon. I think Chaeyoung really likes Aunt Mina.

-You will never be my daughter's "aunt", you mustn't even get close to her.

-What ways... What if Jeongyeon and I were to start dating?

-Mina, what are you saying?- the lawyer asked her.

Nayeon, enraged, ended the call.

I'm still among you

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