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Nayeon had been having lunch with Minhyuk for five days now, then going straight home on even days. She and Jeongyeon didn't speak to each other, not even to say goodbye.

-Jeong ... Why are you crying?- asked for the sixth time Momo, who had rushed to her friend's house as soon as she had asked her to go there.

-Momo...- Finally she seemed to be able to speak. -It's the fifteenth...

Her friend immediately realized. It was September fifteenth, the day of their anniversary, the day in which Jeongyeon and a girl who had no idea who she was got together, they swore eternal love to each other, they swore to never abandon the other.

-Oh... Jeong...- said the Japanese girl, caressing her back. -Why don't you try organizing a dinner? Nothing excessive, not as if... It was all... Normal.- She paused for a moment. -A dinner only in honor of the occasion. Maybe you can even resolve this tense situation between you.

-You think so?- asked her friend with a hopeful look.

Momo smiled at her to reassure her. -Yes! I'm sure she'll like it! It's a nice idea. It will just be you, her and Chae. Make her her favorite dish. Taste is certainly a sense that you can't forget.

-Maybe... It's a nice idea.

-Yes, of course! Maybe you could even give her a gift.

-A gift?

-Something she likes?

Jeongyeon sniffed. -There was a necklace she liked but I never got around to getting it because it was a bit expensive. But I want to show her that she's worth more than anything else. Maybe she remembers the necklace and us seeing it.

-Sounds like a fantastic idea to me! Do you want me to help you organize?

-No... Can you just look after Chae while I go to buy it and go shopping?

-Of course. Don't worry, Aunt Momo will take care of her.

-Then maybe I should worry.- the other joked with a melancholy smile.


-Today the taco wasn't the best.- Minhyuk stated. -Do you remember that place we always went to?- he asked but immediately answered hinself. -Oh yeah... You can't remember that.

-I am sorry. I'm causing so much trouble.

-No, it's not true. And if they're making you think otherwise, they don't deserve you.- They went back into the building where they worked and took the elevator. -Has anything come to mind lately?

-No, I can't remember anything. It's as if the last few years have been filled by that dream.

The doors opened and Minhyuk stepped out of the elevator. -Yet it must mean something. Maybe things between you and Jeongyeon weren't good.

-It is probable. We don't get along now, she doesn't seem like my type at all.

The boy opened the door and let Nayeon in first. -Maybe your subconscious was telling you that you were better off with me.


-Pasta aglio e olio, salmon sushi, the necklace... It seems perfect to me.- Momo said proudly of her friend.

-I... I also wrote a letter. Do you think it's stupid?

-No, I don't think so at all. What does it say?

Jeongyeon shrugged. -Nothing, just that I will wait for her and stay close to her in this difficult moment. I explained to her that I'm irritated but I'm not mad at her.

Momo smiled. -I'm sure she will love it.

-Let's hope so.

-Good... It's almost seven, she'll be here soon, right? It's better for me to leave.

-Thank you.

-Don't mention it. Let me know then.

The Japanese woman headed towards the door and disappeared from sight of her friend. Jeongyeon had given Chaeyoung the bottle, after changing her, and put her in the crib in hopes that she would get some sleep, at least by the start of dinner. Sure, it wasn't the typical anniversary they spent together, but at least they would celebrate it. At half past seven she took the sparkling wine out of the fridge; she was partly afraid that it would seem excessive, but Momo had told her that it wasn't at all, it was just a dinner and anyone would have appreciated such a gesture, even a simple friend. The girl sat down and tried to contain her emotion. Everything would have been perfect, nothing was missing. The only one who seemed to be missing was Nayeon, but she would be there soon.


The clock read ten minutes past eight, and Jeongyeon's usual emotion had been replaced by worry. Why didn't she come back? She got up to call Tzuyu, when she heard the sound of the house keys. She breathed a sigh of relief and stood in front of the door. She tried not to smile too much because she didn't want to show too much of her emotion.

-Oh my God! You scared me!- Nayeon exclaimed.

-Sorry, that wasn't my intention at all.


Nayeon closed the door behind her and Jeongyeon was about to tell her that dinner was ready, when she noticed something that immediately made any positive emotions vanish. She approached her with a totally different face than the previous one, looking at a fixed point on her body. Nayeon didn't understand what she wanted from her.

-What is this?- she ​​asked firmly, touching the red area on the other's whitish neck. Nayeon immediately covered the area. "Nayeon, what the f*ck is this!?" she screamed.

-I don't have to give you any explanations, we're not together.

-F*ck!- she shouted in frustration, turning away. -You are not with me but the Nayeon of the past is. Nayeon, what is it?- The girl didn't have the courage to answer. She felt like a little girl running away to go to her first love. Jeongyeon tried to calm down but couldn't. She walked back and forth taking deep breaths, then turned again to look at the woman she almost no longer recognized. Only her eyes gave her the certainty that it was really her. It's true, the eyes are just the mirror of the soul, but at that moment, her precious Nayeon's eyes looked so dirty. -I was waiting for you, I prepared dinner for you and you were getting f*cked by Lee!?

-Jeongyeon, don't scream.

-Don't scream!? I was giving you your space, I was waiting to be able to recover what we had and I find you in my house with a hickey!? Nayeon, do you understand what this means? You... You were mine and now another man has touched you. He touched my woman.- Tears began to fall. She couldn't stop them. -What... What should I do?- she ​​asked and then abandoned herself to hysterical crying.

Nayeon stayed there, until she heard Chaeyoung's cry and she ran away from that uncomfortable situation.

I'm rereading my 2yeon fav book and I never read a book twice
I think I've already said it, but really, if you have the chance, read "I'm not for you", the book that inspired me for Weirdoll

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