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Jeongyeon returned home around seven in the evening. She was exhausted but she had other thoughts on her mind before a nice relaxing shower. She immediately went to her room and found Chaeyoung playing with one of those teething toys in her crib. Next door, Nayeon was reading a book.

-Hey...- Jeongyeon said hoping not to bother.

Nayeon had decided to speak to her only if necessary. She didn't know her, she didn't know what to talk about with her.

-Hey.- Nayeon replied simply.

-So... How did it go at work?

Nayeon closed the book and placed it next to her. She could see in the other's eyes that she needed certainties, certainties that she couldn't give her.

-Well. What about you?

That question made Jeongyeon very happy. Nayeon, however, regretted it, as she didn't want to give her false hope. It's not that she really cared to know how it went, she just wanted to be nice and not cause embarrassment between the two.

-I've been a little busy.- Jeongyeon said, sitting on her side of the bed to take off her shoes.

-Oh yeah... I didn't ask you. What job do you do?

-I'm a lawyer.

-Oh...- The girl was wondering why a lawyer chose to be with a secretary. Jeongyeon was probably the one who brought the money home. -Look, I don't know what the past me thought about, but I need to be clear with you.- Jeongyeon looked at her curiously. -Tzuyu told me that we argued because you went to talk to Minhyuk about my work. My work is a matter that only I can decide on. Got it?

Jeongyeon looked at her a little disappointed. She didn't like seeing the girl with her eyebrows slightly furrowed at all. -Got it.

-And you know what? Minhyuk is convinced that it was his fault that I ended up in a coma. Why did you tell him those things?

Jeongyeon let out a nasal laugh. -I only wanted the best for my daughter's mother. In the end I was right, right? You were too stressed and it led to... A coma.

-Regardless you are no one to tell me what to do. Leave my things to me from now on.

-It was about both. It also affected my daughter.

Nayeon couldn't take it anymore. That girl was just getting on her nerves. -It was my decision to continue working and now because of you someone believes they are the cause of my coma.

Jeongyeon frowned. -So now you mean that Mr. Lee is the good guy and I'm the bad guy?

"Mr. Lee"; Jeongyeon and Minhyuk were on really bad terms.

-I never said this, just that he had nothing to do with it.

-Okay.- the girl said, getting up and going towards the crib. -Hi darling.- she said to Chaeyoung, picking her up. The little girl began to cry but Jeongyeon immediately calmed her by rocking her and then left her room, where Nayeon resumed reading to her, mainly to calm herself down. Jeongyeon still had her eyebrows furrowed. She went into the kitchen and started preparing something to eat while she held the little girl in his arms. -Little one... You are the most precious thing I have but why does it hurt me to look at you? How can I not think of your mother when I look at your cheeks and your little nose?

She ended up making simple grilled meat and vegetables. She tried to figure out whether she should bring them to Nayeon or not, but then she thought that the girl would probably complain about her independence, so she simply brought Chaeyoung back for her to eat.

-I prepared something, it would be good for you to eat, the doctor also recommended it. I'll eat first, then you can come if you like. I'll do the dishes tomorrow.

-No, I'll do them.

Jeongyeon frowned. -Good.- she said and then left. The hot shower would wait until the next day. Nayeon fed Chaeyoung, then put her in the crib and let her sleep. She went to the kitchen, where Jeongyeon was watching television. The other looked at her enter. -Two minutes and I'm leaving.

-Don't worry, it's your home, right? I guess you're the one paying the rent.

-It was actually my parents' house.

-Ah.- Nayeon said sitting down. They ate in silence, both focused on the television. Jeongyeon drank the last sip of water and stood up, leaving her partner alone. -Tsk. And this would be a person who wants to recover relationships? I don't know how I could like her at the time and why I left Minhyuk for her.- she said to herself. -Idiot...

Jeongyeon couldn't take it anymore. She stood in the doorway as soon as she heard Nayeon open her mouth. She walked steadily back into the kitchen and stood next to her. -You know? I don't understand why you left a successful man for me either. I'm a woman, you don't even like women, right? Indeed, when you discovered that I was a woman, you insulted me in every way imaginable.

-Do you also eavesdrop?

-I thought you were talking to me.

-In your dreams.

-You know what? Maybe the coma was a good thing, so I discovered your true nature, because this is the real you, right?

-I don't know why the me from the past was with you. You're selfish.

-Selfish? Every time I brought home some money you spent it just on yourself.

-Oh so you're also holding things against me? Why didn't you leave me then? In fact, why do you keep hitting on me? I don't even love you.

Jeongyeon's anger suddenly stopped; the boiling blood in her veins suddenly cooled; the tightly clenched fists became weak, and the furrowed eyebrows slowly formed a totally different expression. Those words kept echoing in her head. She held back her tears, she didn't want that selfish woman who didn't care about her to see her cry. After all, at that moment it was as if they were two strangers. Even Jeongyeon was wondering who the girl in front of her was. Was that the real Nayeon before she met Jeongyeon? Nayeon, meanwhile, didn't even seem to regret what she said. She just didn't care about that girl; maybe she couldn't understand what she felt about the other one either because she didn't know how much she loved her, she didn't remember it. For her it was all a game, she was like an annoying girl in love in her first year of high school, she was like a suitor with whom she could immediately set the record straight.

Thanks for the lovely comments on the issue of posting multiple chapters per day
You make me smile every time <3
I asked it simply because I see that a lot of writers have slower pace and I didn't want my frequent updates to break the suspense or anything like that

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