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The long-awaited Tuesday arrived. When I say "long awaited" I'm referring to Minhyuk and Nayeon. Jeongyeon couldn't wait for this evening to end. The boss had given Nayeon half a day off to prepare and he would pick her up at seven in the evening. The girl was wearing a plain pink skirt down to her knees and a light blue embroidered blouse. She had a natural look, with little make-up, and straight shoulder-length brown hair.

-Darling, mom is going out today. Try to drink from the bottle.- she said to little Chae. -Or make do with what I give you now.

Later, at about half past six, she heard a knock. There was no way it was Minhyuk already, he hadn't even texted her. She went to open the door and found Tzuyu standing in front of her.

-With this it's eight thousand and twenty dollars.- she said as she entered.

Nayeon looked at her confused. -What are you doing here?

-Jeongyeon asked me to come.

-Why? Wasn't she supposed to be with Chae?

-Oh. Didn't you know? She will tell you soon.- she said calmly sitting on the sofa.

-No, what?- Nayeon asked, starting to breastfeed Chaeyoung again.

-She's going out with Mina.


-Apparently, it was Mina who proposed it to her.

-I'm happy for them.

-But you're not happy because she chose Mina over you.

Nayeon frowned. -She didn't choose Mina over me, everyone can simply do what they want. And they are friends.

-Deal with it: you preferred Minhyuk to her, she preferred Mina to you.

-I didn't choose Minhyuk over her. I just want to give myself the chance to choose and have no regrets in the future. And I highly doubt Jeongyeon prefers that one over me.

-Why? You said it yourself that she is sexy, young and, above all, she is free.

-Yes but...

-What do you have? Cellulite, a daughter, a disastrous love life...

-Are you my friend or are you on Mina's side?

-I'm just a realist. However, I don't think she might prefer Mina either, but you can never tell.

-Sure. However, if I ever choose Minhyuk, I hope she doesn't have the bad taste to choose Mina.

Tzuyu shook her head. -It's an incredible thing as you just couldn't stand her before and still can't stand her. Some things can't change.

-Okay, Minhyuk will be here soon. How do I look like?

-As always, a toilet.

-Come on Tzu!

-Where are the diapers?

-At the usual place.

-Meaning where?

-In my room, top drawer next to the crib.

-It's just you and me, Doll. Make sure you behave and everything will be fine.- she said to Chaeyoung.

Nayeon stopped breastfeeding but the baby began to complain. She decided to give her some more milk until Minhyuk arrived. The sound of keys was suddenly heard coming from the door, which was opened, revealing Jeongyeon.

-Hey, are you still here?- she asked.

-Yes, I'm going out at seven.

-Oh yeah.- she said, closing the door behind her. -Since I had a tiring week, Mina suggested we go out to dinner.

-Why are you telling me this?

-I don't know... It seemed right to me. You know... To let you know that I won't be with Chae.

-Yes, okay.

-Okay, then I'll take a shower and go. Have fu...- She shook her head. She really didn't want Nayeon to have fun.

About ten minutes Minhyuk arrived in his nice sports car and Nayeon greeted her friend. She looked towards the bathroom door and then left.


-What will they be doing...

Mina sighed. -Jeongyeon, this is the third time you've asked yourself this. Take it easy. It's not like she sleeps with him on the first date. Oh... Something similar has happened before... True... But you'll see that it won't happen.

Mina's covert way of throwing down Nayeon's good reputation was great for undermining doubts but pretending to be nice and concerned. Jeongyeon didn't think at all that Mina had reminded her of that story with bad intentions.

-After all, we live together and she hasn't chosen me yet, I don't think he'll choose him on their first date. Right?

Mina placed her hands on Jeongyeon's. -I would never make a choice like that.- she said, looking into her eyes.

-Chicken wings?- asked the waiter next to them.

Jeongyeon immediately removed her hands from the table, detaching them from Mina's, who was forced to remove them too. When the waiter placed the plates in front of them, he walked away and left them alone.

-...You'll see that she won't either.- Mina said, continuing the conversation.

-Yes...- she replied unconvinced.

Mina had to admit she was satisfied.


-...And then Jimin finished all the alcohol. Oh what a disaster... His wife was furious.- Minhyuk finished telling. -Wife... What a beautiful word. How nice it would be if you were my wife.

-It's a little too early to say, isn't it? We're not even partners.

-For now.- he said winking at her.

-Minhyuk, I want to have a serious talk before giving us false hope. You know I have a daughter and she will always be in the forefront. For this reason I will have to maintain relations with her mother.

-Yes, it's clear.

-But I have to make sure you understand what it means to have a daughter. It means taking responsibility, loving her with all of yourself, loving her as much as you love me, even if she is someone else's daughter.

-Chaeyoung is not at fault if her mother is a girlfriend stealer.

-I'm convinced that Jeongyeon didn't know I was taken.

Minhyuk frowned. -Don't worry, I will love your daughter, even if she is Jeongyeon's daughter.

-Well, this is the important thing for me. But words are not enough. At the first sign of alarm it's over between us.

-Well but it can't be over if we don't start first.

-Please don't rush me. I have a number of things to think about.

-See, that's what you're doing wrong. Stop thinking, follow your heart first and then think with your brain. If you see that the choice of your heart does not coincide with that of your brain, then you can start to worry.

-Right now not even my heart helps me.

-You mean it's confused too? Meaning there are two people in there?- Nayeon shrugged. She wasn't convinced. She knew she felt affection for Jeongyeon and found Minhyuk charming. Yet the boy made inappropriate jokes, particularly in the workplace, and she didn't like this aspect of the boy at all. -It's a shame that there isn't room for two in the heart. That's why you left me.

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