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"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Y/N Partridge?"


"I have your test results back. I'd like you to come in for an appointment. And bring your husband, as well."

"Okay. When?"

"Today at 3:00?"

"We can make that work. We'll be there then!"


I hung up the phone and went over to Louis. He was starring in a movie that I was a producer for.

"Hey, the doctors office called. They want us to come in at 3:00 today. Can you make that work?"



At 3, we got to the doctors office and they called us into the room.

"Hi Dr. Smith."

"Hello Partridges! How are we feeling?"

"A little nervous since you made us come in for this, but hopeful?" I looked at Louis and he nodded.

"Don't worry, we make patients come in no matter what the results are." He smiled at us. "Okay let's get into it. The results are telling us that you are 20% fertile. Which is quite low, but not 0. So we have a few options."

He went into all the options that we had, and we decided to try artificial insemination as our first step.

We've been trying to have a baby for 5 years, and have had many miscarriages. So we're at a fertility doctor hoping that he can help us.

After I got the procedure done, it would take a few weeks. In the meantime, I just worked at my job and Louis acted in his show. I worked for a marketing company that did the marketing for Universal studios. And also produced movies occasionally.

"Y/N, we've got your results back." The doctor said through the phone.

"Okay, when should we come in?"

"You don't need to for this one. Congratulations, Y/N. You're pregnant."

Tears came to my eyes and I sat down. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. You'll need to come in for monthly checkups, but you are pregnant. I'm so happy for you."

I cried. "Thank you, Dr. Smith. I'm so grateful."

"Of course. My nurse will call you to set up an appointment. Congrats again."

He hung up and I cried more. Okay, I cried a lot. We've been trying for so long and our dream is finally maybe coming true. 

"Y/N?" Louis came in the room. "Your assistant told me you were crying and called me up here. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I said. Then gave him a big hug.

"What?" He asked.

"We're having a baby." 

He wrapped his hands around me and I could hear him sniffling. "It's really happening?"

"Yes. All we can do is hope that the baby stays."

"It will. It'll stay this time." He whispered to me. "I love you."

"I love you."

"We're going to get through this. You're going to be such a great mom."

"You know that my stomach is gonna get huge, along with my face, ankles, and boobs, right?"

"I don't care. You're gorgeous and you'll always be gorgeous. Plus I really like your boobs." He smirked at me.

"Oh shut up."

"It's true! You have great boobs!"

We argued about this for a few more minutes before cuddling on my couch.

It's crazy that I'm married to Louis Partridge and having his baby. All because of a blind audition. Crazy stuff.

--- THE END ---

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