Chapter 9

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"Y/N get up. Brian just called and they'll be here in 20 to pick us up for the first script reading. Look presentable, please." Anna yelled from my door. She opened it and turned on the light. Then I heard her making noise in the kitchen and decided to get up. Once I was dressed and ready, I went into the kitchen and ate breakfast with Anna and we chatted. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Anna got up to get it, and it was the one and only Jackson Wang from China.

"Morning sweet thang. You look gorgeous as ever this morning." He said while smirking. Anna rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving the door open.

"Hey Jackie. What brings you over this morning?" I asked him.

"Just came over to say that we'll be driving together to set today, and we're leaving in 5 minutes. I'll text you guys when it's time to head out."

"Aight." I answered. He closed our door and we kept eating. Suddenly our phones buzzed.

Hot people
Hot daddy added lover girl and hot momma to the chat

Hot daddy (jackson)
Ayo time to leave
Me and Lou will be downstairs

Lover boy (Louis)
Ayo whatup

Lover girl (Me)
Okay we're coming down
Whatup Lou

Hot momma (Anna)
Jackson what the heck is my name

Hot daddy
We have couple names
Isn't that adorable

Lover girl
Why am I lover girl
I hate everyone and love no one

Hot daddy
Yeah but you play a lover girl
And Louis plays a lover boy

Lover boy
Makes sense

Hot momma

Hot daddy
Make me 😏

Lover boy
Guys shut up
Brian is here

Lover girl
Okay okay we're grabbing our shoes

"Okay hurry hurry." I yelled to Anna. We ran downstairs and found the boys waiting for us in front of a mini van.

"Wow for waking up 20 minutes ago you sure look good." Louis winked at me.

"Anna what the heck??" I punched her arm.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Let's roll, ladies and gents." Jackson said and opened the doors for us. Me and Anna sat in the back and the boys sat in the middle.

"Good morning kids! Ready for your first script reading?" Brian asked.

"I guess? I've never been to one of these before." I answered.

"Don't worry, Y/N. You'll do great! Also nice to meet you in person finally!" He reached back to shake my hand.

"You too." I laughed. Then my phone buzzed.

Hot people

Hot daddy
Brian loves to meddle
Let's text in here for the time being

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