Chapter 10

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We walked into the script reading room and I saw Paul Rudd on one side. Then I saw my name right next to his. I internally screamed. I could feel Anna grabbing my shirt and jumping up and down. 

"Calm down, Anna. Keep your cool." I looked at her. She vigorously nodded and stopped jumping. I handed her my bag and went to sit down. Louis sat next to me and started teasing me about our kissing scenes.

"Y/N, right? I'm really excited to be working with you on this movie." Paul suddenly said to me. I looked at him and my jaw dropped. PAUL RUDD IS TALKING TO ME!!! Louis nudged me in the side after a few seconds of me staring.

"Oh my gosh, Paul Rudd. Wow. I'm really excited to work with you, too. I love your work." He laughed.

"Thanks. Have you ever acted before?" He asked.

"Nope, first time."

"Well you're gonna be great." He gave me a fist bump. 

"Welcome everyone! We're super excited to start filming this movie and get it rolling! Let's go ahead and start with the script reading." Brian announced. I grabbed my script and opened to page 1. I peeked over my shoulder to check and see how Anna was doing, and she looked very annoyed at Jackson who was holding her hand. He was all smiles and blushing while staring at her lovingly. He's so weird. 

"Lily walks through the streets skipping. Camera pans to her feet, her phone, and then does a birds eye view. She gets to Jacks house and knocks on the door. Jack opens the door and smiles at her."

"Hey, Lil. Ready for movie night?"

"Obviously. But first I have to post my newest song. Now move out of the way, dork."

"Lily walks into the house and throws her things on the ground. She grabs her laptop and sits on the couch in the living room. Jack brings her a water bottle and sits with her as she posts her new video on YouTube."

"Done! What are we watching tonight?"

"Lily asks."

"I was thinking about Mamma Mia?"

"Jack smiles at Lily."

"Okay let's do it."

"Jack grabs some popcorn while Lily puts the movie on the TV." The rest of the script reading went like this. It was probably about an hour long, but it was really fun. Louis is a really good actor, even when it's just his voice. All my co-workers are awesome, too. Especially Paul. He kept poking me in the side when he was talking to Lily and it was fun. I'm really enjoying myself so far. 

"Y/N, someone is going to show us your trailer. Let's go." Anna said. I grabbed my stuff and we started walking.

"Hi Y/N! I'm Megan, and I'll be showing you around today. While you're practicing later, I'll show Anna where everything is so that she can be the expert."

"Nice to meet you, Megan!" Me and Anna said at the same time. We pinched each other and laughed.

"Okay, here is your trailer! It's yours for the whole filming process, so you're welcome to decorate and do with it as you please! We were told that you and Louis are pretty close, so we put your trailers next to each other. His is just to the right. Get settled in and someone will be by later to show you where you'll be practicing for the next couple of weeks!" She waved and ran off.

"Wow she's really nice." Anna said.

"Yeah she is." I agreed. We went into my trailer and it was awesome!! There was a vanity, a closet, a couch, a bathroom, and a bed. I would be staying at the apartment, but if we ever had a late night, I could stay in the trailer just fine. Luckily the bed could fit me and Anna, so we could share it easily. I set my bags down and laid on the bed. Then a knock sounded on the door. 

"Oh Anna!" Jackson yelled from the other side. She rolled her eyes and opened the door. 

"What do you want, Jackson?" She asked.

"Just wanted to see you, hot momma." He winked. She fake threw up and sat on the couch. He walked in and Louis was right behind him. Louis smiled at me and laid by me on the bed. Jackson sat on the couch and cuddled into Anna. She pretended to be annoyed, but I could see her ears blushing. She's so weird.

"Tired?" Louis whispered in my ear.

"Just a bit. I might fall asleep right here." I said closing my eyes.

"You should. I'll keep you warm." He lowered his voice and wrapped his arms around me. I suddenly sat up.

"I'm suddenly not tired anymore. I think I'm gonna go walk around set for a bit." I put my shoes on and went outside. I ran as fast as I could to somewhere far away. I found Lily's bedroom set and it was cute. Very similar to my bedroom at home. Then I heard a loud noise and someone sounded over the intercom. 

"Louis and Y/N report to set 5 for practice shoots." I got up and started to walk around, not realizing that I have no idea where set 5 is. I walked for a few minutes until I heard another loud noise.

"Y/N to set 5." I started panicking and called Anna.

"Y/N where are you?"

"I have no idea! I'm in Lily's bedroom, though."

"Okay I'm coming to get you." She hung up. I stood there for a minute until I heard Anna running and she stumbled into the room.

"Woah, you didn't have to run."

"Yeah I did because I have to tell you something. I don't know why they're doing this, but you might have to practice kissing today." She said out of breath.

"WHAT??" I yelled.

"Yeah." She nodded. "Okay let's go." She pulled me away and we ran to set 5.

"Sorry everyone. I got lost, it will probably happen again but I'll try to find my way around."

"Totally fine, Y/N. As long as you get here eventually." Brian laughed. I smiled, then looked over to see Louis staring at me from across the room. He started to walk over to me but I went and talked to Brian about what scene we were doing.

"So we'll be practicing the scene where Jack and Lily do their first movie night as a couple. So you'll be on the couch cuddling with Louis, and then your characters will kiss. Does that sound good?" I nodded. Then I got on the couch and sat very awkwardly. Louis joined me and tried to get me to loosen up.

"Y/N? I'm sorry if that was too forward back there, I just was trying to get used to being touchy with you. For the show."

"It's fine." I looked at him. Then I relaxed a bit and leaned into him. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I looked at my script and the director told us to start practicing.

"Lily?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, Jack?"

"I'm really happy that we're here. Together. As a couple." 

"Me too." I smiled and looked into his eyes. I got lost in them.

"Can I kiss you?" Jack asked. 

"Yes Jack. You can always kiss me." I said back. He leaned in and cupped my face. As he looked from my eyes to my lips, I suddenly pulled away.

"How was that?" I asked the director. He smiled at me.

"Really good for your first time acting! Let's do it one more time, but add more passion into it. More tension. Romantic tension. Okay?" I nodded.

"Lily?" Jack asked. I turned to look at him and grabbed his hands.

"Yeah, Jack?" He smiled at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm really happy that we're here. Together. As a couple."

"Me too." I smiled and looked into his eyes. I found myself leaning in and I put my hand on his head, playing with his hair a little bit. He quietly gasped and swallowed. 

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Yes, Jack. You can always kiss me." He moved his hands from my hair to my face, and pulled me closer. He looked at my lips and started leaning in. I could feel my heart racing, my breathing speeding up, my stomach hurting, my hands sweating, and tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now." And I ran out of the set.

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