Chapter 19

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I woke up in a strange place, with a beeping sound around me. The lights above me were super bright and I could hear voices in the distance. Someone came into my vision and was mouthing something, but I couldn't really see or hear what they were saying. Then I drifted back into oblivion.

--Louis POV--

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Her eyes closed again and her heartbeat steadied again. "Doctor, is she okay?"

"Yes, she just passed out again, probably from the shock and maybe pain."

"What is our best course of action here?" Brian asked from his corner seat. My chair was right next to her bed, Anna was sitting next to Jackson on the couch by the window, and the doctor was typing on his computer with the nurse behind him.

"Well we need to wait for her to wake up to see how major her head injury is, and get her an MRI. Then we'll do some simple response tests, and go from there. All you can do now is rest and wait for her body to heal itself. Don't hesitate to press the call button if anything happens."

"Thank you." Brian said.

"I'll be back in 20 minutes to take her vitals again." The nurse, Jane, said. She smiled and walked out, closing the door.

"I can't help but feel like this is my fault." Brian said.

"Brian, it isn't your fault." Anna contradicted. "She complained about a headache yesterday, but I didn't think anything of it."

"And she hit her head this morning, so it isn't your fault." I added. 

"She tends to over-exert herself without telling anyone, so it's no one's fault."

"Wait," I asked. "This has happened before?"

"Once. When we were in our sophomore year of high school, we had a major choir concert coming up as well as a big math test. She was constantly reviewing music and singing, while also trying to study math. She would have math notes in one hand, and sheet music in the other. Right before the test she passed out, and we took her to a hospital. She was instructed to not over-exert herself and to rest. She was able to take the test another time, and everything worked out. But she needs to continue to learn to let her body have a break every once in a while." I nodded.

"Brian, this might not be the best time to tell you, but me and Y/N are kind of dating."

"What?" He dramatically gasped. Then started laughing. "Yeah I know. You guys are pretty obvious. And it makes for good chemistry on screen, so I don't mind at all." 

"Oh. Thanks then." I looked back at Y/N and grabbed her hand. I rubbed it with my thumbs and kissed her knuckles. That was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep. 

"Louis?" Someone whispered. I looked up and saw Y/N looking at me all confused. 

"Y/N!" I yelled. I squeezed her hand and kissed it again and again.

"What happened?"

"You passed out while we were filming. We brought you here and you've been asleep for a few hours."


"Brian, Anna, Jackson, she's awake!" I kicked each of their legs. They looked over and smiled.

"You're awake!" Jackson said.

"Oh hallelujah." Anna sighed.

"Glad to have you back, Y/N." Brian said. I pressed the call button to call Jane in. She walked in and smiled when she saw Y/N awake.

"Good morning, Y/N. Your friends have been worried sick about you." She took her vitals.

"Sorry that I worried you guys. I think I might've overworked myself again."

"Ya think?" Anna said. Y/N laughed.

"I'll get the doctor." Jane said. She walked out of the room. 

"I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm okay. My head hurts, and so does my arm, but other than that I'm just really tired."

"I bet."

"Don't worry, you'll get the next few days off of filming. We'll put everything on hold for you until you're cleared to get back to work." Brian smiled at her.

"Thanks, Brian."

--Y/N POV--

I walked into the room with the MRI machine, and laid on the bed.

"Okay, ready? The bed will move into the machine and you'll be in there for around 20 minutes. Any music you want?"

"K-pop. Specifically TXT, StrayKids, BTS, Enhypen, Twice, Le Sserafim, or New Jeans."

"Got it." The nurse smiled. She started a playlist and the bed moved into the machine.

"Don't move too much, Y/N." The doctor said. 

"Okay. Can I sing, though?"

"Yeah, go for it!" The doctor laughed. 'My Pace' by StrayKids came on and I started singing and humming along. 20 minutes later, the bed moved again and I was free to sit up. I stretched my arms out and stood up to stretch my legs. 

"Ooh that feels good."

"We'll read these results and be back in your room in 15 minutes. Jane will walk you back to your room."

"Okay." I walked with Jane back to the room and Louis was waiting for me by the door. He grabbed my hand and gently led me to my bed, where I laid down to have some water and gold fish. He sat on his chair next to me and held my hand.

"Y/N, your boyfriend is so dramatic! He kept pacing and wondering when you would come back." Anna said, rolling her eyes.

"Aww Lou, that's so sweet!" He blushed and buried his head in my blankets. I patted his head and ran my fingers through his hair. I grabbed my phone and talked with my mom for a few minutes. Anna had texted her earlier, and she was really worried. I assured her that I was fine and she didn't need to make a trip out here to see me. She finally relented and I hung up just as the doctor came in.

"Good news, Y/N. You don't have a concussion, just a small bump from when you fell this morning. And your arm is just bruised, not broken. So be gentle with it. Keep resting and don't over do it, okay? We don't want to see you back in here again, in the nicest way." 

"Sounds good, I hope I don't see you again either." I smiled. The nurse brought me a paper to sign and then I got changed back into my regular clothes. We walked to Brian's car and got in. My stuff was all in there, and we started driving back to the apartment. When we got there, Louis made me lay in bed while he served my every need.

"Y/N, don't hesitate to ask for anything. If you want it, I'll make it happen."

"Well what I really want is to take a nap with you, with your shirt off." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked smirking.

"I'm going to take a nap. You can join, but your shirt has to be off." I said quickly and turned to the side. I could feel my cheeks on fire. He laughed and the lights turned off. I heard him grunting, and then he sat on my bed. I peaked over my shoulder and saw him climbing under the covers with no shirt on. I smiled to myself and felt him wrap his arms around me.

"Happy now?" He whispered in my ear.

"Perfectly happy."

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